Server Improvements and v1.12.2 Support


Staff member
Hey folks - just wanted to check in and report some of the activity we've got going on right now.

First, v1.12.2 support has just been refreshed (it's been 'almost ready' for over a year now), and we're working on confirming that it is ready to move over to. It's looking good, and all things being equal, seems better performing than 1.11.2 in most ways, so we're excited to get it deployed (and to move on to working on post 1.12.2 plans!).

Also, I'm turning on some 'special' features that Dynmap has - ones I developed a while ago, but never really told the rest of the world about. These features allow us to 'boost' the rendering resolution in special parts of the map without making the WHOLE map bigger. Given that our rendered maps for the main world, 'Westeros" (WesterosNew internally) is 120GB, this is kind of a big deal.

In any case, the feature allows us to take portions of the map - using 'area markers' (outlines) that can be made invisible - and tell dynmap to 'boost' rendering within these areas, increasing their tiles from 128 x 128 to some power of 2 more (we're boosting by 2 steps - which means 4x the pixels in each direction). This makes those portions of the map we 'boost' 16 times as big (4 x 4), but they look friggin beautiful.

Right now, I've boosted a couple of areas on the 1.12.2 server - Kings Landing, Winterfell, and The Wall - the Dynmap for 1.12 can be found here (, and have rerendered King's Landing with the boosted resolution. For comparison, here is the same 'zoomed in' images for unboosted vs boosted KL:


In any case, I'm adding the same boosts to production, and you guys should see the benefits of it once they rerender!

We'll be adding some other sites - if folks have suggestions for particularly pretty build sites that would benefit from the 'boost', please let me know here!.
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@Nuggets I'm glad to hear! I haven't specifically measured performance, but the server itself is running with only 4GB of memory (versus what we'll give it the resources we give the PROD server), so it is encouraging to see!

As of last night, the permissions on the 1.12.2 server should match current prod, so anyone who wasn't able to get in before due to obsolete permissions SHOULD be able to get in - do let me know if this is not the case.

I'm going to sync over the WorldEdit schematics tonight - I would appreciate some testing by folks who are 'editors' to confirm that worldedit and the like are working acceptably. Do understand that the server VM isn't the beast that the prod server is, so don't get TOO crazy with the size of the worldedit actions you do - the extra RAM we give PROD is in no small part due to the extreme memory demands that large worldedits can place on the server! :)

Also, I definitely would like to hear any of the following:
1) Look for visual inconsistencies between 1.12.2 vs 1.11.2 production - both @Emotione11 and I are very interested in any of this
2) Feel free to give horses a try - you should be able to do a '/spawnmob horse' and then tame and ride your new friend :)
3) If you have another account with just 'guest' roles, or you want to volunteer to help us test by having your 1.12.2 permissions dropped to being a 'guest', we're VERY interested in folks testing 1.12.2 to see that our world protections against our non-builder guests is 'up to snuff'. This is always one of the most important things with a major update, as the new version offers new actions which may not have been blocked from being misused.
4) Test your existing roles - make sure you can do what you could do on 1.11.2, and that you cannot do what you were restricted from doing there (honor code here, folks :) )
5) Take a look at some of the new vanilla (or mod provided) 1.12 features, and help us figure out how we should take advantage of them going forward!
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Staff member
A few issues. The anti grief test perms seem to be intact

- No one but admins can currently spawn horses
- Guests can't ride horses at all

I tried to set as much of this up as I could but I think it requires someone with access to root and config and all that:
- Discord channel should be integrated in its own channel ( I have the bot token and client-id already all set up
- default channel should be global, not local in UCHAT. See how to here: (
- should remove the worldname from the prefixs. Right now its [WesterosNew][Channel][Builder]Name, should just be [Channel][Builder]Name. Infomration here:

Misc requests:
If possible to remove 'slow' effect from mud blocks please, not sure if this is a WesterosBlocks fix or not
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A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
- All Spawn eggs work for guests and builders
- Guests can't ride horses, but they can if promoted to builder.
- We should think about how we're going to handle how mobs despawn, currently hostile mobs will despawn as soon as you fly about 50 blocks away from them, but friendly ones seem to hang around indefinitely (I parked a dog at Winterfell about a week ago and he's still hanging out in the central courtyard).

- Kind of a small point, but in 1.11, you can use either right or left mouse click to use a WE brush. In 1.12, you can still use both, but the range of a right click is super short compared to a left click. As in, if I'm using right click, it won't register I've clicked a block with a brush until i'm within about 5 blocks of the target. /br range and /range didn't seem to change anything.
- I can't seem to get the selection lines to appear when creating a selection - it's creating the pos1, pos2 places but the usual colored lines connecting them don't appear (and writing //sel cuboid doesn't seem to solve it like it does in 1.11 when they occasionally disappear)

- Noticed that Local chat on 1.12 can be heard on 1.11

- It seems like some of the warps are a little off. It's strange, some of the warps are fine, but others seem to make you spawn up in the sky, in the general area of the correct warp point but not quite.
- Seems like we're unable to change gamemodes


Staff member
I can't seem to get the selection lines to appear when creating a selection - it's creating the pos1, pos2 places but the usual colored lines connecting them don't appear (and writing //sel cuboid doesn't seem to solve it like it does in 1.11 when they occasionally disappear)
Thats because the lines come from the WorldEdit CUI Mod, not WE itself.
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- All Spawn eggs work for guests and builders
- Guests can't ride horses, but they can if promoted to builder.
- We should think about how we're going to handle how mobs despawn, currently hostile mobs will despawn as soon as you fly about 50 blocks away from them, but friendly ones seem to hang around indefinitely (I parked a dog at Winterfell about a week ago and he's still hanging out in the central courtyard).

- Kind of a small point, but in 1.11, you can use either right or left mouse click to use a WE brush. In 1.12, you can still use both, but the range of a right click is super short compared to a left click. As in, if I'm using right click, it won't register I've clicked a block with a brush until i'm within about 5 blocks of the target. /br range and /range didn't seem to change anything.
- I can't seem to get the selection lines to appear when creating a selection - it's creating the pos1, pos2 places but the usual colored lines connecting them don't appear (and writing //sel cuboid doesn't seem to solve it like it does in 1.11 when they occasionally disappear)

- Noticed that Local chat on 1.12 can be heard on 1.11

- It seems like some of the warps are a little off. It's strange, some of the warps are fine, but others seem to make you spawn up in the sky, in the general area of the correct warp point but not quite.
- Seems like we're unable to change gamemodes
Will guests be able to ride boats?