Completed Sentinel Stand by JakeyQuack


Donkey Lord
Staff member
Is it sentinel stand or the nightfort that is thought to have the frozen brothers of the nightswatch entombed in its walls? If I remember it was one of the stories mentioned at the same time as the Rat King and Brave Danny Flint


I think the wiki article is incorrect for Sentinal Stand. It is east of The Shadow Tower and west of Greyguard.

Order from west to east:
  1. Westwatch-by-the-Bridge
  2. The Shadow Tower
  3. Sentinel Stand
  4. Greyguard
  5. Stonedoor
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Hey, sry for the wait!!
I've visited the place, it's nice and well done!
Though, there is imo too much furnitures in the ints. So, I'd like you to remove most of the things they'd have taken with them when leaving, or that would have disappear since, because of wildings for example:
- food stuff: closed barrels and crates, flagons, pots, cleaver, cauldron
- the thatch/furs: remove most night's watch beds, and for stuff like benches you can just do it with wooden planks
- general stuff: the candles (can leave a few, but there are too many imo), the anvil and mason bench, the firewood (would have been used), banners, chests

And on the exts, maybe a few shutters, that the wind would have broke and removed.

It seems a lot, you can leave a few stuff here and there but this is to create a feeling of emptiness when visiting the ruin, that we don't really have right now.

Otherwise, the exts and stairs on the Wall are all fine!

As long as you do what i've asked you concerning the furnitures, consider this post-approved! :D
Don't forget the wiki article ;)
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