When Thorne was built in 2014 there was were very few builds in the area, but now it is surrounded and building and editing techniques have improved significantly. The plan for this project is to update the castle, houses and surrounding lands of Thorne to meet current server standards.
In detail:

Tests can be found on my plot (I keep forgetting to ask a mod to set a warp for it; /warp stein and then go south). I've only updated the castle palette on the North side.
I haven't been active for a while so any feedback or suggestions is really appreciated! Thank you!
In detail:
- Update houses by removing logs, neatening daub, improving the thatch, simplifying gardens etc.
- Update castle by removing the spire, removing a lot of the stuff on the roof, changing the gradient, and making it a little more realistic by adding a surrounding wall.
- Fix forest and fields to match what now exists in the crownlands.

Tests can be found on my plot (I keep forgetting to ask a mod to set a warp for it; /warp stein and then go south). I've only updated the castle palette on the North side.
I haven't been active for a while so any feedback or suggestions is really appreciated! Thank you!