Abandoned Project Application: Maidenpool


The Old Bear
Furthermore, the reasons for redo were, I felt, more extensive than changing some walls. I outlined canonical discrepancies in my redo application, which you can read through on the original thread.


Edit; just read my own redo appeal and saw the walls aren’t actually mentioned, which makes the above post even more misplaced.
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Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Last I heard, though Veggie can confirm, the pink blocks were still being fine-tuned which is why they have yet to be fully implemented.

Just to reiterate,

This is indeed the case - The pink block set is still a work in progress, as it is being used throughout the central Riverlands including at Riverrun, which is still in the early stages of planning. With Christmas and the pandemic, we've not had a chance to complete a happy medium yet, to a level we'd want to share and implement on the whole server. The redo of Maidenpool was voted upon and agreed by the mod team as meeting the requirements outlined by the redo appeal, and as Veggie has said - the colour was a secondary decision to implement (without restrictions on specific block usage), not the principal reason to approve the redo of the project.


Staff member
Kind of related with the discussion. Right now the town uses white/grey stone as its main material. Whenever the pink set is finished and the walls changed, will any buildings inside change too? Canon only states that the Maidenpool walls are pink (which may suggest they are something remarkable, if the town was pink as a whole they may have said it), but taking into acount that central Riverlands will use it too, I just wanted to know is there's something planned. I saw some houses in Maidenpool using the new set.
Kind of related with the discussion. Right now the town uses white/grey stone as its main material. Whenever the pink set is finished and the walls changed, will any buildings inside change too? Canon only states that the Maidenpool walls are pink (which may suggest they are something remarkable, if the town was pink as a whole they may have said it), but taking into acount that central Riverlands will use it too, I just wanted to know is there's something planned. I saw some houses in Maidenpool using the new set.
The grey block itself has a pink hue but with the pink blocks there might be adjustments.
The city itself has houses built with different sources of stone, but you can see a fully pink block set just west of the main square.
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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
I've always found the perception of pink-ness in the current Reach bricks interesting:


Anyways, like Ark said, the reason there's a few different versions of the pink brick textures floating between private hands right now is just because the resource pack team is still working on a final version for the block, and the individual people interested in the texture (Ark and Veg mainly) have taken it on themselves to test new modifications themselves. Anyone else is welcome to play around with the textures too if you have opinions on the matter; I'm hoping to finalize the textures in the next update.


Staff member
Hi everyone,

As a mod who has been around for a LONG time on this server, I’d like to clarify some things about the project leading process, particularly in relation to Maidenpool.

While mods have the privilege of leading server builds and often do, they, just like all other builders, also have the right to apply for/lead solo projects. Whereas there’s an expected level of collaboration with the server community at large in typical server builds, solo build leaders have always had the right to manage their projects as they wish (within reason). Sometimes this means opening up the project to the larger community, and sometimes it means actively or passively controlling who can build at the project by building completely solo, limiting building to those who directly ask you, reaching out to specific builders, etc.

Maidenpool isn’t a server build. It’s a solo project. This means that Veggie is allowed to control what is built in his project and build with his friends if he wants to. And there is no “Maidenpool Elite.” If you want to build in Maidenpool, you can always try directly asking him if there are open plots. Worst case scenario? He’ll say no, and you can find somewhere else to build.


The Old Bear
There will be plots opening in the immediate surrounds of the Eastern shore industrial area shortly (East of the castle)

  • Gardens don't need to be built-- they'll be built at the end so they're all cohesive.
  • Palette styles are outlined on each plot corner, each roof is thatch.
  • There are some tasty plots, don't build a wall to reserve them to return to. Leave them for more eager builders if that's the case.

Come check them out if you're interested!


The Old Bear

I won't bore you all with the details, but work and other things take up far too much of my time nowadays, and the motivation to return to a project I'm no longer enthusiastic about keeps me away from the server too!

As such, I'd like to see someone take over this project, either solo or with someone else. I've spoken to a couple of builders about this, and am largely supportive of anyone who feels able to take it on.

Of course I'd like something sympathetic to my initial plans, but ultimately if you want to take this up I am not precious about what you keep/remove, you should be passionate about fulfilling your own creative vision for this project.

I'm of course happy to be a guiding hand/be approached for opinions on anything,

This would free me up to support others where needed-- which is what I always enjoyed doing most.

Veg x
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Hey Awb,

cool that u wanna start MP but in my opinion as a outstanding person I would rlly suggest that u would make a smaller non canon project first. MP is a rlly hard first project and needs a lot of experience in terms of plotting tera and general building skills. Also there is a lot of Canon. A lot of ppl worked on it and struggle with it too it’s a lot of work. I know u will give ur best but I rlly suggest dont pick it up. And I don’t mean it in a bad way. I wouldn’t pick it up either bc I am not experienced or good enough yet. But if u wanna still Go for it but I don’t know if this is the right first step.
All best


Alright so Veggie and I talked and he said he would be happy for me to pick it up in his place. Now, ofc, Maidenpool is a good sized town, and so I’ve talked with Enah and he would be down to co-lead with me, with some Mod approval.
No offense awb but I really, really don't think this is a good idea. you haven't done two hamlets nevermind plotting a large town the same size as fairmarket


Staff member
I concur with the with Jeff and Homie. You've expressed difficulties with plotting the small hamlet we've been working on at Antlers, and jumping from that to an entire town is a whole different beast. As Jeff and Homie stated, I mean no offense, and having an experienced helping hand with Enah certainly might help, but in my opinion you would benefit much more from having done a few minis and one, two, or maybe even three smaller canon projects than Maidenpool first.