Approved Project application: Ambrose (new)


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Thanks for being patient Mar_quess, finally had a little bit of time to look this over. Your plans look good to me and I'm glad you've decided to go the route of a fortified manor.

One minor suggestion (from Aeks): you might want to reconsider the placement of the main forest a bit since the area by the creekbed would be a prime spot for farmland. Another thing that could be cool is having managed forest/parkland used for hunting rather than wild forest.

You have my approval though!


Thanks for being patient Mar_quess, finally had a little bit of time to look this over. Your plans look good to me and I'm glad you've decided to go the route of a fortified manor.

One minor suggestion (from Aeks): you might want to reconsider the placement of the main forest a bit since the area by the creekbed would be a prime spot for farmland. Another thing that could be cool is having managed forest/parkland used for hunting rather than wild forest.

You have my approval though!
Hi Emoticone11,
Thank you very much for the approval <3.

Yes we already talked about the forest with Aeks and I already have a place where I will move it, when I have more time I will make a new proposal for the location of the forest.


Here is a new design of forest that I moved to the left side of Ambor, the right side will be used for flower and crop fields.

Green - forest
Red - hunting lodge
White - lumber camp

So I also wanted to create an industrial area with a quarry in the top right, a lumber camp with an adjacent village.



Donkey Lord
Staff member
For the North Eastern quadrant next to varner you could continue that grassland a but more, so there's not a gap between varner new barrel and ambrose. Can just be sold meadows, doesn't have to be used or peopled. Jakethesnake8_8 might have some tools and tips, especially if old scripts can be used again
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