Probation: qBBQ


Street Preacher
[Reposted from old forum...]
qBBQ @Aug 17, 17
Hello, I'm qBBQ! I am ready to begin my probation. I will probably make a lot of mistakes so please bear with me.

List of builds:
  • sprawl 1967, 13160; dockside warehouse in King's Landing sprawl
  • bandavassal1 -8711, 20385; low-class farmer house in a Bandallon hamlet
  • csham4 -1758, 17979; middle-class seamstress house in a Cockshaw hamlet
  • durwelltown -8314, 15504; low-class farmer house in Durwell; 3 people
  • whsprawl 2108, -2168; fishermen's house in White Harbor sprawl
  • whsprawl 2049, -2270; sailor and family house in White Harbor sprawl
  • whsprawl 2053, -2255; fisherman's house in White Harbor sprawl
  • lht -8365, 17627; farmer's house in Lord Hewett's Town
  • uffvillage -6132, 17694; cartwright's house in Uffering
  • shoreham/newkeep 3157, 869; fisherman's house in Newkeep
  • durwellvassal1 -8112, 15350; farmer's house for 2 in Durwell
  • uffvillage -6160, 17724; market stalls (salt, fabrics, baskets, cheese)
  • durwelltown -8304, 15453; market stalls (fruit, wine)
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Street Preacher
otmis25 @Aug 18, 17
Hey qBBQ Welcome to the team! I'll be your new probation leader, feel free to post more than your 5 houses, if you'd like feedback on them. Also hit me up in-game if you have any questions. Goodluck and have fun!
qBBQ @Aug 21, 17
Hello @otty!

Building #1 is ready!
Type: warehouse
Warp: sprawl
Location: 1967, 13160
otmis25 @Aug 21, 17
Alrights, for the most part good job on your first house!
Just a few comments I left on around the build were small, personal preferences that I think help but aren't required.

The major one is the daub though, it is overwhelmingwith all the daigonal slabs.

Other comments are

-Door postioning, please place them under a block for the most part, they look nicer that way.
-Two tall windows look better for more tall builds, fits with the ratio.
- Try mixing up stuff a bit, things tend to look better if they're less serperated and organized.
- Careful with wood mixing, they sometimes a mix can stick out badly.

Keep up the good work on the next few houses and maybe I won't need to give any critique!
otmis25 @Aug 21, 17
Another one done @otty! First time I tried doing a farmhouse.
Type: farmhouse
Warp: bandavassal1
Location: -8711, 20385
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For the bandallon house I left a few melons, but these are VERY minor issues and are all suggestions. Great job and improvement on this build! Really glad to see some huge improvements in your work.

Melons said-
Maybe some thatch carpet on the first floor? Just throw it in, see if you like it.
Top heavy gate, replace full block on arch with a slab or upside down stairs.
Lets stick to using full doors rather than two shutters.
Making the fireplace two wide, it feels isolated
making the chimney more of a mix in bricks.

Cute yard, yards can be hard!

Congrats on the good work, celebrate it!


Tailor at csham4 is great a few small things but essentially a job very well done!

-One side of the daub feels messy and unorganized
-Missing chimney block
-clothesline Rope feels at if it's floating in the interior of the house



Great job only minor stuff again!

-Odd thatch pattern on the back
-Big gap on the roof
- No path to the door


Street Preacher
Another one done @otty. This should be #5, though I'll probably be posting more houses.
Type: fishermen
Warp: whsprawl
Location: 2108, -2168


Street Preacher
Now to address the fixes for the other houses:

threw down a strip of carpet
- replaced full block with slab on gate arch
- the two shutters for the side door was Enah's idea
- made furnace 2-wide
- mixed some cobblestone in chimney

- placed the missing chimney block
- Which side of daub is messy?
- shortened backyard clothesline rope
- moved indoor clothesline around so it attaches to a wall on both ends

- made path to the house
- made gap in roof smaller
- made d&w on back of house match the front

Thank you again @otty for your critique! It's much appreciated!
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Last but not least! (Feel free to post more, but if I pick up more newbuilds Ill likely finish their feedback before I return to yours)

White Harbour Sprawl House! Great job Cute house!
You've done a great job as newbuild! Just keep thinking logically about how someone back then would like to have their house set up and experiment a bit with different setups until you think you found one that looks nice, is effective and feels natural!

-Section off the second floor a bit more, help break it up; parents would like to be separated from their kids if they can
-The elongated thatch rug is a bit unnatural make it wider, please
-Maybe more of a cluttered look to emphasize it being low class
-the overhang on roofs would be preferred due to it snowing in WH.
-window to help facade in the front

Congrats! Once you're done with your month you're set to be a full builder!


Street Preacher
Addressed whsprawl house:
- Added overhang above the windows at the ends of the house (Emot suggested maybe no overhang but /me shrugs)
- Made upstairs carpet wider
- Added window on the front facade
- Added more clutter here and there
- Sectioned off parents' room on upper floor

Thanks @otty! I look forward to becoming a full-fledged builder!
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Street Preacher
So I've completed the 5 required buildings for probation. Whoop!

I'll continue to update this thread with the buildings I make (until September 17, which should be the end of my probation barring any shenanigans). However, I won't be making replies. Instead I'll be updating the first post for @otty or anyone else who would like to review my work. Thank you!
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