Probation: Kazisky

Hey kazisky! I noticed you don't have a probation leader yet so here I am! I will try to be as interactive with you as possible in game and post additional notes here for you :)

Currently I am in class but once I'm finished I'll take a look and leave feedback!
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Okay so! Your house at chipping barter was good! I just left a few notes that would improve the build slightly (ie connected thatch carpets). I like that you don't cram the house with "stuff" (lots of food, drawers, furniture) as peasants back then really didn't own a lot of possessions. Again things to work on would just be to not have random thatch carpet blocks on the ground- think of it as if rushes were to be placed down it wouldn't be just a little square here and there it would be fully laid out. I can leave an example for you if you don't know what I mean :)

This is not directed at you but is also for other builders building there. I noticed a few houses and just so it's clear TheYoungWolf has not authorized building there. On that note I don't know if I will give feedback for that house yet.


Thanks for the feedback Ammika, I'll get right on to fixing the mistakes.

My apologies to the project leaders of hornhill. I clearly incorrectly assumed that the village is open for building from just looking at the date the project has started and a bunch of houses already built there.
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