Nugget_Jack Builder Application



United Kingdom

I heard and it on YouTube and Instagram. which i can successfully say I've watched every episode of.

I love the Lord Of the Rings and The Hobbit stories, moreover i'm a nerd for game of thrones, not even a fan but in love with it which i think is kinda weird but meh, i also love star wars and marvel.

Game of Thrones, Clash of Kings, Storm of Swords, Feast for Crows

Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7

Probably Wyman Manderly as he so clever and he knows what hes doing, he knows how to play the game of thrones, and keep his family alive(ish), and ser davos cause everyone loves the good guys.

I'm very creative and love the little things, the things no one notices but together came bring a build to life.
Moreover i very realistic in my personal mine craft builds such as how i would build something strategic way.

I've been watching your youtube channel for 2 years now and i have known for a long time now that i wanted to join the server, but i've only just been able to access a computer now, secondly i know so much about westeros and the small houses.



The Old Bear
Hi Nugget (or Jack?)

Thanks for taking the time to apply!

The house you've built is to me very reminiscent of our older Vale style houses, which many would agree are a little outdated at this point. There's little that could've gone wrong here, and whilst you've more or lessed nailed this relatively simple style, there are a some issues which you should seek to fix in your next build.

The underside of a roof should always be raftered in some way, from the pictures it appears it's just the underside of the stair blocks above.

Furnishing issues-- The furnishings you've chosen are a little clumsy, and not of the standard we'd use today. Things like trapdoors on the top of cabinets, and single stair blocks for a table. Also the wood mixed into the floor looks a little strange too.

The bed choice is odd too-- it's quite a simple house so they likely wouldn't have had such a comfortable bed.

I would recommend spending some time around some of our newer builds (for example: Duskendale, White Harbor, Highgarden, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, Uffering, Bandallon, Westbrook, Banefort etc) and studying how we build. Specifically, things like interior layouts, furnishings, roof angles, palettes, etc. Try to have an eye for detail. One thing that helps is finding some specific houses that you particularly like, taking screenshots of them, and combining elements from those houses into your own original house (and then, as you get more confident, you can experiment more). Lastly, a couple helpful warps for learning more are /warp gradients and /warp furnish.

For your first build challenge please build a house which would fit comfortable in Duskendale. You can get to Duskendale easily by /warp dd -- I'd recommend not building in the thatch roofed style to demonstrate you are capable of building a larger home. Houses surrounding the castle would be simple enough to use as examples.

Post your complete build here, with plenty of pictures when you're finished.

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The Old Bear
Hi Jack,

Thanks for taking on your second challenge.

I don't think this house would be appropriate in Duskendale, but you've made some good steps in improving! I appreciate it may have been difficult due to the fact that Duskendale is full of row houses so it might be hard to build one which is standalone.

Some of your furnishing choices are pretty good, using doors to break up parts of rooms is a nice touch. Some choices you should avoid are things like single hopper tables-- I feel they look like a table with one leg which might just topple over.

I commend you for picking a profession for this house, it does appear that it belongs to a baker?

Some things you need to reconsider:

  • The front facade looks 'squat' insofar as you haven't proportioned the right amount of room for the roof/attic space. The roof shape is off slightly due to using both stairs, full blocks, and walls. You should take a look at other builds in Duskendale to see how they do their roof. They're normally either a straight 45 degree angle with stair blocks, or a staggered "stair on top of a full block" at a steeper angle. Furthermore, blue slate is not in the palette. Though I can appreciate to some eyes the black slate does have a deep bluish tint to it.

  • The daub patterning looks too simplistic. I think you shot yourself in the foot somewhat by making an even width house, with a big square window in the middle, which has highlighted this further. You should keep daub patterning simple and as much as you can, logical, You've succeeded with that in some places with diagonals meeting other diagonals. Again-- I think it's the big square window which has made this look off.

  • The jettying (overhang) with the KL stair brick support beneath it looks strange, instead support other levels with wooden slab or stair blocks. At a push I would accept wooden logs (the wall blocks, not full logs)

  • The back of the house is too flat. I've made a concerted effort in Duskendale to ensure that both the front and the back of the houses look as good as each other. I've been stern in ensuring there are very few flat walls, which is whats happened here.

For your next challenge, please build a house in the White Harbour style. You can find /warp wh and build something in any of the styles which you find there. Please do take the time to really take a look around the exterior and interiors to see the choices people made in placing things like furniture, windows, roof shapes, etc.

Good luck,

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