Louison Builder Application



United States

I wanted to find a Westeros seed for my own build and googled the term. I then found the WeterosCraft website and I looked into the builds.

Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter, The Poetic Edda, Legends of the Condor Heros

All of the above

All of the above

My favorite ASOIAF character is Doran Martell. Though he is slept on by the other lords of Westeros, Doran is one of the smartest and most adaptive characters in the books. He is persistent and extremely thoughtful. In every situation, he has not one or two, but tens of contingency plans. He took on a parenting role for his brother and sister and despite his misfortune, he has vowed to protect their reputations. He is not quick to anger, refusing to go to war in A Feast for Crows, but instead took up the long term plan. His patience and planning are to be envied and he does not desire the limelight.

I have been playing minecraft since the original version came out, and thusly I have been able to get creative with few materials! I am also quick to learn from those around me and I am quite hard to offend so constructive criticisim of my work is greatly appreciated!

I have also been studying Viking archeology at Princeton and I just wrote a paper addressing the accuracy of Game of Thrones in depicting the Wildings and Greyjoys as parallels for the Norse people. I more familiar than may be helpful with the construction of Wilding homes and Viking ships. I have also been studying Mongolian and nomadic history with my major being East Asian Studies, so if construction of Essos were to take place, areas like YiTi, Vaes Dorthrak, and Asshai by the shadow would be my area of expertise. Though the description of these places leave some to be desired in the books, they are based on places that are also often ignored in the modern western narrative. But by drawing on real-world history I would be able to translate the majesty of these places into the fantasy of ASOIAF. I also appreciate how detailed and realistic the Westeroscraft community is. “A Song of Ice and Fire” is built upon the high fantasy novels that come before it, with the author G.R.R. Martin himself stating that he drew inspiration heavily from the like of J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. However, he felt that the absolute lack of realism was a detriment to the storytelling process. Obviously, all fiction is just that: fiction. But no work of fiction is purely drawn from thin air. “The Hobbit” and “Lord of the Rings” were based on Tolkien’s history with war and “The Chronicles of Narnia” were loose parables of the bible. But the addition of magic and mysticism often leads people to remove themselves completely from the real world and dive into fictional worlds. This was not the ultimate goal of Martin. For him, an amount of historical realism was necessary to create rounded characters and a lush amount of lore for his world. Westeroscraft, in having applications and organization of teams to build reflects this desire to create an epic fantasy world that has the imagination and sense of wonder that you get in the best fantasy, but the gritty realism of the best historical fiction.


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Hello, sorry for the delay, we've had a lot of apps of late. Your house, while it has a decent shape and size to it, doesnt quite meet server standards. I'd recommend looking around a while and then posting new pics in this thread when you are ready. Also, the rusty metal floors are quite the Silent Hill feel...