I think there needs to be some plot reconsideration. I'm quite lost as to why the district as a whole was nuked. I feel it was a pretty linear section that didn't need any plot shape updating, mainly the facade shape and forms of the houses.
First off, the even centered peaked roofs should be well avoided. A peaked roof needs to look like it comes to a distinct point too.
These houses here are what I'm referring too. Generally, avoid even centered peaked roofs. Even centered 90 degree roofs (stairs) are fine, same with slabs.
Secondly, the side facing the wall needs variation. Currently there is only yard space. I feel some variation would help benefit that linear section. I would take a look at other w.i.p districts that border the wall for inspiration.
Lastly, I would keep track closely of your roof lines. Roof lines are just important as the rest of the build and in long linear sections like what your district contains, they should feel flowing, cohesive, somewhat continuous. The roofs don't have to fit all together, but appear as a whole unit rather.
I hope this feedback can help. This is in no way meant as a discouragement or supposed to hurt any feelings.