KingBurgerzz Builder Application


What is your Minecraft username?

What is your age?

In what country are you living?
United Kingdom

Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
Searched online

What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
I like the insane story which is matched with George RR Martin's unbelievable world building, this is what I believe keeps the magic throughout all of the 5 books and the prequels. Also the unpredictable nature of the books matched with the thousands of years of lore all go towards creating what I believe is the best fantasy story of all time.

What is your favorite build on our server?
I love the Wall and Castle black because of its immense scale and jaw dropping mystical beauty. Also the red keep has to be up there for pure accuracy in listening to the books

Why do you want to join our server?
I want to join it because i believe that it has a great community and also the builds in there are some of the best I have ever seen so being able to say that I participated in something on this server would bring me immense joy

Tell us about your build.
My build is a simple village home inhabited by loyal followers of the sovereigns of the realm they live in. I chose a mish-mash of blocks to enhance the fact that it is a house that is put together roughly to emphasise the fact that these are just common villagers. There are the signs of the rulers everywhere in their house because, as they are born in poverty, they almost worship the royalty.


Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow


These are the images that didn't upload, please also take them into consideration. Much appreciated, KingBurgerzz


  • 2020-10-22_18.28.28 copy.png
    2020-10-22_18.28.28 copy.png
    1.6 MB · Views: 9
  • 2020-10-22_18.35.57 copy.png
    2020-10-22_18.35.57 copy.png
    1.9 MB · Views: 8


Staff member
Hello KingBurgerzz, thank you for applying.

Your build must be submitted using our resourcepack. If you start our launcher and start a game in singleplayer, it should use our resourcepack by default.
There a few other requirements for build submission which are missing. I would encourage you to re-read the guidelines and resubmit your application at a later date.
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