What is your Minecraft username?
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
Don't Remember
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
asoiaf has more realism than other fantasy series (like lotr). Also the fact that the main characters aren't more or less unkillable and an interesting world building made it very enjoyable for me.
What is your favorite build on our server?
The Eyrie including the waycastles. It was one of the first build I explored, and I really like climbing those sometimes narrow mountain passes, but also the detail put into the waycastles to make them a liveable place. The Eyrie itself was the first castle I really got lost in and needed spectator mode to get out.
Why do you want to join our server?
I played on a lotr mod server a few years ago and had fun building there. After I found out that there was a server with my favorite fantasy world, I wanted to join and help there.
Tell us about your build.
The house is inspired by the town of stoney sept in the riverlands. A shoemaker and his wife are living and working there. It also includes a small garden at the back of the house for a little bit of farming and storage as often seen in the town. The house is two stories tall as seen in a few houses on the fortified part across the river or outside the wall.

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow
What is your age?
In what country are you living?
Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?
Don't Remember
What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
asoiaf has more realism than other fantasy series (like lotr). Also the fact that the main characters aren't more or less unkillable and an interesting world building made it very enjoyable for me.
What is your favorite build on our server?
The Eyrie including the waycastles. It was one of the first build I explored, and I really like climbing those sometimes narrow mountain passes, but also the detail put into the waycastles to make them a liveable place. The Eyrie itself was the first castle I really got lost in and needed spectator mode to get out.
Why do you want to join our server?
I played on a lotr mod server a few years ago and had fun building there. After I found out that there was a server with my favorite fantasy world, I wanted to join and help there.
Tell us about your build.
The house is inspired by the town of stoney sept in the riverlands. A shoemaker and his wife are living and working there. It also includes a small garden at the back of the house for a little bit of farming and storage as often seen in the town. The house is two stories tall as seen in a few houses on the fortified part across the river or outside the wall.

Did you follow the application rules?
You know nothing, Jon Snow