EStoop has a valid concern but I think we should be able to work on Paege without interfering with the area earmarked for the Blackwood Vale. It would probably be best to avoid doing anything more than some light terraforming in the hills (as this may be lost), but the flatter grassy areas should avoid future alteration.
Ark and I briefly discussed Paege's political position en route to Raventree Hall; I think a good headcanon explanation is that the Paege's swear allegiance to the Iron Throne as Tywin crosses the river, likely after having seen the huge Lannister host march on Riverrun and hearing that most of the Paege forces had been wiped out or scattered. This would explain why Garrett Paege is a squire to Jaime in A Feast for Crows.
Tywin is in a rush. He leaves Riverrun to Jaime, then, not wanting to waste time or men on laying siege to the Paege keep, he accepts Paege's surrender and oath and moves very quickly towards the Blackwood Vale. Canon indicates Tywin travels from the Battle at Golden Tooth (Cat 8, AGOT) to the Crossroads (Tyrion 7, AGOT) in under three weeks capturing Raventree Hall, Harrenhal, and Darry along the way (Wayfarer's Rest likely also); his march across the Riverlands is a blitzkreig, he wouldn't waste any time if he didn't have to.
For the above reason I think many of the houses at Paege might be abandoned or burned down in the chaos. I don't think there needs to be any evidence of an attack on the castle/keep, but I'm happy to leave those decision to Ever.
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