Putting in my application for the bathhouse.
Plot description: "Not a fan of bath houses with lots of different pools. This should be a bathhouse built at the peak of Targaryen hedonism. A central pool surrounded by gorgeous lounge areas in chambers off the main hall. The structure should be mainly stone, very lavish and beautiful. Should be vaguely romanesque, with some gothic additions so it feels in style with other Targ builds on the server. Rooms should feel cavernous. High ceilings. Big windows."
The layout was a bit tricky, but I think I pulled it off (shoutout to Luk for a bit of stylistic help at the end too). I used this page as a source of general inspiration:
One difficulty was that I had to go outside of the plot a little and make a little kink in the road to the left of the bathhouse in order to get a full rectangular gallery for the courtyard with the cold pool (which looks much nicer than the curved gallery I had before, which you can find floating near my test). Luk, however, had the idea of adding two statues straddling the road (the orange wool in the test), which I think could look very nice. But if you don't like the idea, I'm willing to try something else.
None of the fine-grained detailing or palette is final, of course, just general layouts. Tentatively I'm planning to use a gray palette to match the guildhall next door, but I'm going to experiment with a dun palette as well.
You can explore the test on the top level of my test plot. I've left descriptions of pretty much everything using white wool, so look out for those.
Created another version of the test toning down some of the ornamental defensive elements with suggestions from Nuggs, shown on the right below. I like both of the versions, so I'm happy to go with whichever one is preferred.
Here's how it looks in the square with a quick WE gradient:
I've also updated the interiors with 2-wide columns and simpler vaulting, which makes it feel a bit more spacious. I'd be interested in trying to make the interiors 2 wider in the east-west direction, but it'd require cutting into the houses behind it (which would probably need to be redone anyways).