Aruiz1001 Builder Application


What is your Minecraft username?

What is your age?

In what country are you living?
País Valencià

Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft?

What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF?
El realismo de desembarco del rey.

What is your favorite build on our server?
Desembarco del rey y invernalia

Why do you want to join our server?
Para explorar toda westeros


Did you follow the application rules?


Staff member
¡Buenas Aruiz! Creo que deberías volver a echarle un vistazo a las preguntas y los requisitos de la solicitud para constructor en nuestro servidor, tal vez se te haya pasado alguna cosita jajajaja. También debes saber que dado que somos un servidor con gente de todo el mundo el inglés es la lengua recomendada para comunicarse.

De todos modos si lo único que quieres es explorar nuestro servidor puedes hacerlo ya mismo, sin necesidad de pasar ningún tipo de prueba. Simplemente descarga nuestro lanzador siguiendo estos pasos.​
Hey Aruiz! I think you should take a look again at the questions and requirements of our server's builder application, you may have missed some things hahahaha. Also you should know that since we are a server with people from all over the world English is the preferred language for communication.

In any case, if the only thing you want is to explore our server, you can do it right away, without having to pass any type of test. Just download our launcher by following these steps.​