Abandoned Application for House Risley by Pottman


Single Homestead test.

Castle Tower test



Don't know if you've already seen this, but there's a decent BBC Documentary on construction and life of castles which is specifically based around Guedellon. Useful info for any project, but I think especially this one.
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Don't know if you've already seen this, but there's a decent BBC Documentary on construction and life of castles which is specifically based around Guedellon. Useful info for any project, but I think especially this one.

Where do you think I got the idea from?
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My approval still counts.

Kulmen's completed an example section of the river and I've tasked him with painting in the rough outlines of the rest, down to BB. Review and feedback appreciated.


Here's the thing, I feel like I need to redo the town and castle. I know it's been over a year, and I haven't done much of anything, other than the town and castle, but this creative rut can not continue.

The castle will still be similar, but with a few changes to the layout. The town and house style needs to change reflect newer styles, like the builds in Rousemont, to be somewhat cohesive with the region. I know it's not finished itself, but there are enough examples for me to work on.

I will give more details as I figure this out.



New Castle layout, still similar to the old castle, but with some tweaks.


New town/hamlet houses, decided to go with the Bitterbridge style of houses instead.


May i suggest removing the 1 block offset in the northern wall (the one where the great hall is) I personally think that if you want to go for an angle you should have the offset to be atleast 3-4 blocks given the length of your walls, moreover the greathall ( especially the ints) will look bad with such a little offset along with the fact that right now it is not a proper rectangle as it lacks the 90 degree angle due to the missing offset on the shorter sides.
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Staff member
Hey Pottman,

I'm wondering if you are still interested in continuing the project?
I haven't seen you in a long while on the server and you don't seem to have made a lot of progress on this big chunk of land in the Reach.
Hope you are well and everything is alright?

Best regards!