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  1. IronBank

    IronBank Builder Application

    Hey Cash - Apologies for the delay. I saved all the terra work for last and have just now come to the realization that climate dictates how the blocks react. That said, I've learned the hard way that I can't get the flora to match White Harbor on a plot that's situated in a tropical climate...
  2. IronBank

    IronBank Builder Application

    Hey Cash - Here's what I've come up with. Noticed a couple different roof styles at the /warp and opted to use the steeper pitch as it allows a bit more room in the loft. Tried to make use of outdoor working space as much as possible to keep the interior from getting too stuffy (ie outdoor...
  3. IronBank

    IronBank Builder Application

    What is your Minecraft username? ManHasNoName0 What is your age? 25+ In what country are you living? United States Where did you first hear about WesterosCraft? Youtube What do you like the most about GoT/ASoIaF? I've not read the books but have watched the entire GoT series more...