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  1. Howy

    List of Current Probation Leaders

    Batelgause Jakethesnake8_8 Jeffjunior77 JohanKR850 otty Homiesucc SseriousBusiness Rexstop15 DieWursttheke 7JG7 ViserysII These builders are the only people permitted to lead probations, aside from moderators.
  2. Howy

    Probationary Builders: Read this to learn about your probation period

    If you are reading this and are a probationary builder, congratulations and welcome to the team! You are now a part of the build team of WesterosCraft. After you have successfully completed all the challenges that moderators give you during your application process, please do the following...
  3. Howy

    MC Character Profile Integration

    Is it possible for us to integrate our Minecraft characters in the same or similiar manner the old Enjin website did (NameMC does it too)? (our amazing illblew might already be looking into it, but I'm suggesting it just in case). I didn't want to occupy the other thread too much, as this might...
  4. Howy

    New website issue reporting thread

    Small issue, but is now /forums, and as a result a number of URL shortcuts are having issues.