Search results

  1. E

    Withdrawn House Pemford

    And that you haven't been post-approved, so you're technically not done with Glenmore
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    Abandoned Hammerhal: Project by Tsar

    Approved! Thanks for taking this old project under your wing and for finishing it!
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    Completed Project Application: Stoney Sept

    Hey @Howy ! I've been looking at the terra at Stoney Sept recently, and the river is going very nicely! Though, I think on the part around the town, you might have done too many meanders, and too narrow. One advice when making meander to keep in mind is that there is a ratio of 1/6 between the...
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    Completed Sentinel Stand by JakeyQuack

    Also, FYI, i've removed /warp sentinelstand1, and set /warp sentinelstand in prod world. It's now /warp sentinelstandold in old world.
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    Completed Sentinel Stand by JakeyQuack

    Hey, sry for the wait!! I've visited the place, it's nice and well done! Though, there is imo too much furnitures in the ints. So, I'd like you to remove most of the things they'd have taken with them when leaving, or that would have disappear since, because of wildings for example: - food...
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    Completed Project Foster: House Rosby

    I've followed waz and otmis in their foster adventure, I'll continue with you here! Approved :)
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    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    can't see the pic! :(
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    Planning List of all available projects

    Weren't we done with the II ??? D: Do we have to go back in this filthy place to build?
  9. E

    Almanach Expansion + Holding the Iron Throne and the King's Court

    Haha don't worry, I wasn't intending you were :) I think we'd have to consider the question of marriage of characters between players, or even between a player and a NPC...
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    Almanach Expansion + Holding the Iron Throne and the King's Court

    Hey, you're doing a really nice job on the Almanach so far! Thanks for that :) Just a feedback here, concerning the King: I think we need to make the position non-gendered, meaning we could have King OR Queen, and not stop women players to be Queens.
  11. E

    Parchment, Paper, and Manuscripts

    Nice inspiration! I'll definitely use that for the septry I want to make :)
  12. E

    Completed Grassy Vale, by jakeyquack

    Post-approved ! :) Great job!
  13. E

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Hey, I'd like to ask for white/green grapes blocks: leaves and crate. And, if that's possible, to have baskets too for grapes (slab and block), both black and white grapes. Thanks!
  14. E

    Planning List of all available projects

    Shouldn't we move this discussion to another thread? to keep this one only for the list of projects (available, in progress, abandoned, etc) It'd give more space to discuss about the projects of Riverlands on another thread :)
  15. E

    Completed Highgarden

    I 100% agree with a unique style guide, but disagree with the "no discord= no build"... Another solution would be to have a real style guide with the rules and guidelines for the server build, like was done with other server builds :)
  16. E

    Completed The Crag by Banty

    Don't forget the wiki article btw!
  17. E

    Completed The Crag by Banty

    We made some other pastures around the southern part of the lands. Anyway, post-approved!
  18. E

    Completed The Crag by Banty

    Hey, here's my feedback: 1st, the castle is gorgeous! Just noticed that there isn't signs of oven in the kitchen (there's the stone structure, but no ash or embers). Also, why so many bones here and there? There's river biome all along the coast, make sure to make it ocean biome instead. Also...
  19. E

    Completed The Crag by Banty

    Will take a look today ;) Congrats!!