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  1. AerioOndos

    Models, Blocks and Blockstates

    how large are the bases of the bottles in blockbench, which I presume your using? 3x3 right for most of the small bottles I'm trying block bench at the moment and from what I see the space for cubes is a default minecraft block. Is it possible to change this into the more detailed 32x32 that...
  2. AerioOndos

    Probation: AeksioOndos

    2439.973/53.86871/-2815.330 small sheep shelter in WH sprawl 1686.221/47.23775.12286.808 for a worker in rollingfordhamlet wood barn next to rollingford warp
  3. AerioOndos

    Models, Blocks and Blockstates

    but little cakes are mentioned somewhat often. a small cake/tart block would be good to add some variety to what a baker can have on their benches, rather than giant blocks of grainsacks, pies, bread etc.
  4. AerioOndos

    Abandoned Foster Project: House Estermont of Green Stone

    Is there any parts I might be able to assist with?
  5. AerioOndos

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    We hear from either Varys or Qyburn that the Queen of Thorns keeps a stock of Gardener coins so perhaps there's a room, like the dragon skull room in the RK, where the Tyrells keep some of their old liege's stuff.
  6. AerioOndos

    Probation: AeksioOndos

    2111.539/58.90780/-2861.847 for WHsprawl which will be done by the time u read this -213.366/51.13173/4150.497 for erenfordham2 house
  7. AerioOndos

    Grilled Cheese Recipe

    Gorgonzola, Parmesan and a stinking blue?!
  8. AerioOndos

    Grilled Cheese Recipe

    what about having grilled halloumi?
  9. AerioOndos

    Is there any evidence for Hot Pie being Azor Ahai?

    lightbringer could be a person used by another person who is in the service of a third, more powerful person.
  10. AerioOndos

    Is there any evidence for Hot Pie being Azor Ahai?

    oh my, two Azor Ahai. "This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them"
  11. AerioOndos

    [LOCKED] Oldtown: Battle Island

    Probably many of the nobility would live in the city below where they could have less vertigo. Nobles would have at least some kind of lodging there.
  12. AerioOndos

    Probation: AeksioOndos

    Because of a few issues with workplace and study, I was not able to put in crates for the White harbour house, but will do so soon, also have begun on nearby clotheseller so I could get the rooflines to mesh well. I will also fill in some of the space on the main road with stalls from the two...
  13. AerioOndos

    Completed Project Application: Wull

    Or it will be on the journey map if you fly around in every direction
  14. AerioOndos

    Introduce yourself!

    Hello badNation! you will have to download the custom westeroscraft launcher from this website if you don't want to build a forge set up which has the mods set up. You can find the launcher by hovering over the downloads tab
  15. AerioOndos

    Probation: AeksioOndos

    White harbour house is progressing slowly and I will try to put in the potting wheel and crates later today
  16. AerioOndos

    Probation: AeksioOndos

    I have adressed another iteration of feedback from Jack but I am having problems with the chimney and its incredible height. I will try to make it more reasonable but will await more feedback from Jack
  17. AerioOndos

    Is there any evidence for Hot Pie being Azor Ahai?

    I actually expected at least one collegiate response but instead only have comments
  18. AerioOndos

    Is there any evidence for Hot Pie being Azor Ahai?

    im no spamm bot. I'm a real boy *Pinocchio nose sprouts*
  19. AerioOndos

    Is there any evidence for Hot Pie being Azor Ahai?

    Well, Is there? What if the red priests translation of the prophecy, that the saviour will be the 'lords chosen' this lord being the lord of light, was incorrect as Aerio Onos is lord of light and Aeksio Ondos is goldenhand. There are only a few characters with golden hands. Jaime Lannister is...