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  1. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    I agree, but it might only be drops in a very large pond, especially as what is being done on bloodstone by birdman would seem less unique if there were similar buildings in Oldtown
  2. AerioOndos

    Probation: ViserysII

    Brilliant! We went over the HG house in game and I think you've done them with flying colours! you still have about 3 weeks left of your probation month to go, so take that time to develop your building skills. You are already very good with use of space and furnishing but it doesn't help to...
  3. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    The sphinxes seem to be connected to Valyrian mythos and might be like the four tetrarchs in St Marks Square, taken to Oldtown after an expedition, maybe during the century of blood. Or they might have been commissioned by a hightower king in the ancient past who was interested in the arts...
  4. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    I can answer your questions later in the day outside in the conversation I started with you earlier, if that would help.
  5. AerioOndos

    Thamus' Texture Treasure Trove

    Yes they do.
  6. AerioOndos

    Thamus' Texture Treasure Trove

    I use everything from 1 to 7 in terms of carrots and turnips. Also wheat 5-7 are used to represent different crops iirc.
  7. AerioOndos

    Approved Mance's Camp - A Farewell Project to Otty's Sanity

    Hi Otty, Something I noticed while going around the lands you have terraformed is that the waterways very quickly go from being small 1 block wide streams to 10 blocks wide and more. If it were spring and there was snowmelt, that would definitely be possible but at the moment it seems a bit of a...
  8. AerioOndos

    Probation: ViserysII

    Okay, we have been through your first four in game, really good stuff! I've had no issues so far but would like you to do something of a style other than westerlands. Maybe the Reach or ask Simbaa if there is anything at Ashwood you can do.
  9. AerioOndos

    Probation: ViserysII

    Great! I left a few melons in the Norrey house. It is good otherwise, so approved from me after the changes mentioned are made which are possibly going to be large. Mainly, shifting the sleeping area to be closer to the fire.
  10. AerioOndos

    Abandoned House Ferren - ZeRamenGuy

    Are you going to update the terrainset mountains too, like how Endy did it at Stackspear?
  11. AerioOndos

    Probation: ExeR557

    Glad to hear that you guys are well again!
  12. AerioOndos

    Approved Rhysling

  13. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    The interiors of Mandos' one are pretty much done in terms of the structure. not much furniture though. Seven sided buildings are hard to do in minecraft but there are quite a few newer tests that do have seven sides. I'll try and get a few photos of the insides asap (stuck in area of bad wifi...
  14. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    All that on your phone? Even the sketches? I absolutely love the sketches and they make it evident that great minds think alike! There are a few tests, particularly Mandos', that look very similar to your plans. I can try taking pictures of it and sending it to this thread. Here is an image I...
  15. AerioOndos

    A new piece of music

    Kind of reminds me of the Wolf Hall soundtrack.
  16. AerioOndos

    Probation: ViserysII

    I'll be your probation leader, if someone hasn't already taken you on. So, I need to see 5 houses in 5 different styles built by you. I'll go through any faults or things that need improvement with you and at the end of your probation month you can be promoted to fullbuilder. I'll go through...
  17. AerioOndos

    Completed Hermit Island By Johan (Immersion project)

    The beehives are an Irish drystone construction and require a lot of flat, shingle-like bits of rock. River pebbles wouldn't do. However, cornish iron age roundhouses, which had walls covered in a layer of earth and then had pebbles inset into the sides would work far better
  18. AerioOndos

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    What I was trying to say is that most of the snowy north should actually have sparse snow on the ground and most of the snow on trees in these areas would have fallen off onto the ground, like the image I provided. Queenscrown is not covered in snow as it follows the canon that even in mid...
  19. AerioOndos

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Theres the frozen shore. No trees. Sadly everywhere that has snow on the ground has snow on trees. There are no border areas like this to divide areas with no snow from this
  20. AerioOndos

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    I think some of the links might contain multiple subjects and likely Geopolitics would be absorbed into a history and/or heraldry subject.