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  1. Enah

    Introducing: The "Kachelofen"

    We originally were going to have these in Highgarden, but changed them to hearths instead. There was also one in the maesters of Bandallon but I think it’s a mini hearth now I don’t remember. Of course that’s not counting if you want to include a 2x2 corner fireplace of walls as a furnace
  2. Enah

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    How is it in that for those of us who have not read it?
  3. Enah


    you're single-handedly destroying saltpans' and uffering's monopolies on salt
  4. Enah

    Block Change Request: Cultural and Climate Variants for Clotheslines

    Why are you displaying elements of my wardrobe D:<
  5. Enah

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    Hello, there are plots open in /warp oatown marked with oxidized bronze. That is all.
  6. Enah

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    So, I should probably make it clear I have to put this on hold for a bit. Not abandoning, I just have too many issues staying in game and I guess my internet/computer is just crap now. Hopefully will get a new computer (after a new car, sigh) soon.
  7. Enah

    Westeroscraft walks: Highgarden

    *is concerned that someone knows my castle better than me*
  8. Enah

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    If we did then the actual sept can be easily defended by 200 knights standing side by side, and the septon’s palace is inside the sept itself, which is weird and makes it seem like rooms inside the building though we have no idea what early septs may have been like. For all we know this big room...
  9. Enah

    Approved Project Application: Wickenden Redo

    I don’t understand, wickenden can’t be finished, it is as it has always been.
  10. Enah

    Abandoned Project Application: Maidenpool

    The bathhouse is the pool
  11. Enah

    My poll

    yes, the us, an empire, is composed of 50 nations and a few colonies.
  12. Enah

    KL Road Mix and Style

    hey, it's one of our paintings! good to know it is a 14th century one
  13. Enah

    Oldtown: Feedback and Suggestions

    Yelshire is finished and Sunhouse is finished, though there's plenty fo room for immersion builds
  14. Enah

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    Oh I forgot to remove the studs I g pics oops!
  15. Enah

    Completed Highgarden

    I'm unsure if it is actually done, lol
  16. Enah

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    can totally do that, just didn’t really have a bunch of room in the map itself will post any plans for there in a follow up reply
  17. Enah

    Approved Project Application: House Melcolm of Old Anchor

    bump, i updated the images and map, simplifying a lot of facade tests and incorporating green plaster
  18. Enah

    Thamus' Texture Treasure Trove

    Ermine Floors, all the rage in HG
  19. Enah

    Westeroscraft Texture Pack Megathread

    Ark and i fooled around with them potentially being in HG, but we decided they seemed too 18th century. But i love the tile ovens
  20. Enah

    King's Landing Remaster October Update and Plan

    Aren't there already fountains all over the city?