Approved Project Application: House Ruthermont by Uthormadman424 & Agrhendaer


Hey all! Quick 1 month update (March flew by!!)

Things are going great at Ruthermont. Northwick is completed (save for some vegetation and quality checks) and All plots at Fotheringhay have been claimed.

Special thanks to Ouro and Star for claiming the two minis, as work on the hamlet/holdfast and the Septry continue (they look so good!)

Soon, we will look towards the larger wooded area north of Wickenden for Phase 3. I will be opening up 3 mini's once I get a good lay of the land there,
A lumber camp
Quarry and Workers Camp

Look for a future post regarding those if interested!

Things are honestly moving quicker than I thought, and Robin and I are excited to continue towards the finish line! Thanks to Emote for all the help in-game, and to the builders who have helped out thus far! We appreciate it.

Robin and Uthor


Quick Update: not much new beyond terrain work around peninsula and more work on the castle.
Astberry opening soon (so he says)

Opening 2 mini's in the meantime!!!!!!

Lumber Camp

Limestone Quarry and cutter's camp (Mason will be in Astberry):

Lemme know if you are interested so I can provide a bit more information!



2024-06-11_22.07.58.jpgHi All! Quick update to announce Astberry is open!
This small hamlet/village is inspired by the Black Forest Region of Germany, and I hope you all enjoy building the different/specific style!!

Any build with green wool is open!! Feel free to reach out with any questions!

Also: Two minis are still up for grabs:
Lumber Camp
Limestone Quarry and Stonecutters Camp



Hey Walrus!!! Thanks for applying for the quarry! I got a quick chance to take a look at it, and I really like it. I was unable to leave feedback due to perms, but I have two notes:

-I think the storage building can be moved back just a bit, there is a clearing of forest around the quarry so we have a bit more room to play with, I can show you what I mean in-game too

-I think I would like to see maybe one or two places where they have dug in as well. Hastwyck and Spottswood quarries have a good example of this, where there are vaults as well as terraces. I think that would be easy enough to work on in place.

I approve! Just need Emote or Dutch to take a look and we can get cracking!


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Looks really nice! The only thing I'm unsure about is whether the quarry should be in the direct line of the scree deposit (and presumably also where water runoff would be greatest), it seems a bit treacherous. How feasible do you think it would be to flip it so the quarry is along the cliff to the right instead?
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Hey Uthor & Emot

I had a good look at Hastwyck and Spottswood and can definitely see what you were talking about with the vaults. As well as moving the storage building back, I was also thinking of adding some temporary wooden/leather coverings as seen in Spottswood. In Spottswood I imagine they are to project workers from the sun, however in the Vale it can serve to protect the workers and stone from the rain.

The quarry being right below the scree deposit did cross my mind as I was building, so I do second Emot's suggestion to move to quarry right a bit. I can definitely work on a second test with the vaults and adjustment to the store house right of the scree deposit if you two approve.


Hey Walrus, something I wanted to add after doing some "chatgpting" lol.

I would like to see perhaps a lime kiln area nearby, which I can certainly help with. Quick Lime was used as a binding agent in plaster buildings, and my thought is that Ruthermont would stand to provide some of that quick lime to Gulltown and their presumably plaster construction.

I found some good insp. pics pretty easily that I think work well, I can share them with you and also I can certainly help out with that area as well. I did see your second test and i really like it!



Uthor I really like this idea, I made a very temporary plan for kiln next to the storage house against the retaining wall. Of course I'll have to look more into it the process but in the meantime I gave you perms for my plot in case you wanted to add feedback or change up the kiln.

Thanks, Walurs
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