Approved Project application: Ambrose (new)


Nice application! I appreciate the addition of red clay bricks! Will you have brick making as an industry?

In addition do you have any plans for the Mander river shores? The Mander River in that area could use some love, perhaps reach out to CashBanks who worked in the portion of the Mander downriver from you?
Thank you <3 yes, I want to designate one hamlet on the production of bricks.

I will definitely ask Cash for advice in building around Mander. But mainly I want to use river as one of trade routes.


Hi Mar_quess, you need to include your build resume in the app!
Sorry I sorry i forgot about it.
Here it is:
-Lumber camp, Ruthermont
-Watchtower. Gower
-Grocery store, King Landing (kl16b)
-Ruined house, Bloodstone with Antony_Justman
-Smith and rope industry (interiors), Sharp Point
-6 houses in Spottswood


Staff member
Sorry I sorry i forgot about it.
Here it is:
-Lumber camp, Ruthermont
-Watchtower. Gower
-Grocery store, King Landing (kl16b)
-Ruined house, Bloodstone with Antony_Justman
-Smith and rope industry (interiors), Sharp Point
-6 houses in Spottswood
Hi Mar_quess, I just need to know how many minis you've completed to make sure you're eligible for a canon project, not individual buildings you've built or helped to build.

From the Canon Project Application Guidelines (
Resumé List of all previously completed projects, immersions, minis and other noteworthy accomplishments. The purpose of this section is to show your previous accomplishments and leadership engagements. This is a quick way for moderators to check if you are up to the challenges the project will present. At minimum, there should be two minis here.
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Hi Mar_quess, I just need to know how many minis you've completed to make sure you're eligible for a canon project, not individual buildings you've built or helped to build.

From the Canon Project Application Guidelines (
First two are my minis, both approved and done you can finde it on discort in Project.

Watchtower located in Gower, project builder is Jeffjunior77 closest warp is /warp gowerwatchtower1.

Lumber camp located in Ruthermont, project builder is uthormadman424 closest warp is /warp rmquarry1 and then go to East.
Glad to see someone else taking this project up, and I like the plans, particularly the house tests. Here are a few thoughts:

My main one is that the castle seems quite big for what, at the end of the day, is a relatively minor house. Stylistically, I think the castle is a bit too tall also, perhaps you can make it more realistic in terms of both the architecture and the relative wealth of ambrose by making the keep a bit more squat.
In my original plan, the castle was just a glorified manor house, with an extra wall and gatehouse. Of course you are free to develop the project how you want, but the reach is full of huge old castles and some smaller/more rustic ones would be a nice addition!

Also, towards the end of my time working on the project, I found that I had too many hamlets for the size of the lands and was considering removing one of them. I think you might also consider this, or if you are to have the number of hamlets you currently have designated, maybe make them really small (like 3-4 houses max).

A final minor stylistic point: I would remove the masoned windows (the ones that look like an A at the top i forget the name) as I think they denote a higher level of masonry than probably most of the buildings in the ambrose town would have. But I am not sure the current style trends on the server so ignore that if they are widely used in lower level projects.

Anyway, good luck, and hopefully I can pop on to make a house or mini sometime.


Glad to see someone else taking this project up, and I like the plans, particularly the house tests. Here are a few thoughts:

My main one is that the castle seems quite big for what, at the end of the day, is a relatively minor house. Stylistically, I think the castle is a bit too tall also, perhaps you can make it more realistic in terms of both the architecture and the relative wealth of ambrose by making the keep a bit more squat.
In my original plan, the castle was just a glorified manor house, with an extra wall and gatehouse. Of course you are free to develop the project how you want, but the reach is full of huge old castles and some smaller/more rustic ones would be a nice addition!

Also, towards the end of my time working on the project, I found that I had too many hamlets for the size of the lands and was considering removing one of them. I think you might also consider this, or if you are to have the number of hamlets you currently have designated, maybe make them really small (like 3-4 houses max).

A final minor stylistic point: I would remove the masoned windows (the ones that look like an A at the top i forget the name) as I think they denote a higher level of masonry than probably most of the buildings in the ambrose town would have. But I am not sure the current style trends on the server so ignore that if they are widely used in lower level projects.

Anyway, good luck, and hopefully I can pop on to make a house or mini sometime.
Hi duck, thx for your feedback.
So here are my ideas:
Castle is very similar in size to the Holy Hall, so it is not as big as it seems it may not seem like it, but it is also just a fortified manor. As for the height of the castle, I based it on the real plans of the de Val castle, so I don't think it is too high.I chose this castle for Ambrose because, as their motto says "Never resting", I consider house Ambrose to be a very hardworking house, so also the Rose road passes through the land of Ambrose, which brings business and money, so my idea is that Ambrose is a bit richer.

I agree, I want 3-4 hamlets at the end.

Reach is full of very smart and skilled people, so I don't see a problem with having a window on the roof.
Holy hall as a project is close to double the size of ambrose and presumably wealthier because of their prime location directly across from HG. Additionally, dunstonbury is right next door to ambrose and Dunstonbury castle is, if i'm remembering correctly, a fairly large/major one. Anyway, up to you, but I think stylistically smaller/more simple castles look really nice especially when there are already a lot of large ones in the surrounding area.

And for the castle, I'm not so much talking about the raw space so much as the towers, which are disproportionate imo (in particular the roofs). The towers kind of dominate the entire keep while in your inspo they are pretty balanced with the height and flat wall space between the towers.


Holy hall as a project is close to double the size of ambrose and presumably wealthier because of their prime location directly across from HG. Additionally, dunstonbury is right next door to ambrose and Dunstonbury castle is, if i'm remembering correctly, a fairly large/major one. Anyway, up to you, but I think stylistically smaller/more simple castles look really nice especially when there are already a lot of large ones in the surrounding area.

And for the castle, I'm not so much talking about the raw space so much as the towers, which are disproportionate imo (in particular the roofs). The towers kind of dominate the entire keep while in your inspo they are pretty balanced with the height and flat wall space between the towers.
Yeah towers are little too big thats true I will work on them to make them only 3× I think they are 5 blocks....thx for suggestion


Finally, after weighing all the circumstances, I decided to rebuild Ambrose into a fortified manor. Part of the castle is also the old tower, formerly the seat of the Ambrose family, now serving as the maester's quarter. I did several tests as you can see on link.

7JG7 helped me with the test, for which I thank him very much.



The Dark Lord Sauron
Holy hall as a project is close to double the size of ambrose and presumably wealthier because of their prime location directly across from HG. Additionally, dunstonbury is right next door to ambrose and Dunstonbury castle is, if i'm remembering correctly, a fairly large/major one. Anyway, up to you, but I think stylistically smaller/more simple castles look really nice especially when there are already a lot of large ones in the surrounding area.

And for the castle, I'm not so much talking about the raw space so much as the towers, which are disproportionate imo (in particular the roofs). The towers kind of dominate the entire keep while in your inspo they are pretty balanced with the height and flat wall space between the towers.
Tbf in server canon the “peninsula” is considered part of HG’s demense

Finally, after weighing all the circumstances, I decided to rebuild Ambrose into a fortified manor. Part of the castle is also the old tower, formerly the seat of the Ambrose family, now serving as the maester's quarter. I did several tests as you can see on link.

7JG7 helped me with the test, for which I thank him very much.

Nice work on the manor, I have some pointers about the garden if youre interested when we both log on.


A Knight at the Opera
Staff member
Hey Mar_quess, great application!

As one of the OG Ambrose mods I'm happy to see you've taken up the mantle for the project. I really like how you've taken onboard the feedback from the other builders and the latest tests are looking really good.

Out of the nearby projects, I think Holyhall and Norridge would be good guidance on how to approach the lower class house designs and it looks like your latest tests complement them well (I'm glad to see you've removed the pizza hut house variants).

Try your best to re-use anything Duck's completed (plotting, fields, forests etc). My usual advice with projects is to not go wild with nuking anything too quickly. Your first instinct will be to create a blank canvas so you can execute all your ideas straight away. Problem is projects (especially terra work) takes longer than expected, and if you end up having to drop it we'll be left with just a mess of placeholders.

I'll come by and check out your work once you've made some progress, I'm looking forward to seeing Ambrose finally completed!