Approved Update Application - KL2 by the weird russian lady


Homie is back to destroy everything you love

District Description:
District 2 contains the northern portion of the street of seeds, close to the Gate of the Gods.

New canon:
"If King's Landing mourned its dead boy king, Jaime would never have known it. On the Street of Seeds a begging brother in threadbare robes was praying loudly for Joffrey's soul, but the passersby paid him no more heed than they would a loose shutter banging in the wind. Elsewhere milled the usual crowds; gold cloaks in their black mail, bakers' boys selling tarts and breads and hot pies, whores leaning out of windows with their bodices half unlaced, gutters redolent of nightsoil. They passed five men trying to drag a dead horse from the mouth of an alley, and elsewhere a juggler spinning knives through the air to delight a throng of drunken Tyrell soldiers and small children."

This is the only time the street of seeds is ever mentioned

District's current state:
Currently, the district is majority just houses, with no real sign of the street of seeds.

Update plans:
The district may need to be heavily replotted to better include the street of seeds, per Rav's advice. The houses along the wall also need to be replotted, per Alex's advice, and the houses along the kl1 border need to be replotted to create more cohesion with Alex and Endy's district, per Rav's advice.

The plan currently is to replace the buildings along the road with a grain exchange and granaries complex, with inns for the farmers, and some stables/cart storage areas. The heart of kl2 will be a market hall thing, per Ark and Rav's advice.

The style of kl2 is cobblers, as already decided by the mods, however i would like to argue for some inclusion of square style 1, so the change between kl1 and kl2 isnt so jarring. I would also like to increase the heights of the houses along the gods way, since the houses along the gods way in kl1 are ludicrously tall. Generally the rest of the houses can be "salvaged" - Rav
Endy has also made some plot suggestions which i intend to follow


Any questions?


Could you show the street of seeds in the district to highlight it for everyone? I agree with completely removing the very cluttered sections of thatch houses like at the wall and that one in the middle however I don't fully support the amount of replotting you've said you plan. Street of seeds was plotted on an already existing street mainly to prevent the need for mass nuking to make roads (something that had to be done in districts like KL13). As far as the style goes I think that only the plots bordering Cobblers square district should be somewhat similar stylistically. Otherwise, I would try and stick to regular KL with some influences from KL1 mostly near that respective border as well. I think that this would make the two styles of KL1 and Cobblers very distinct with only a little bit of influence outside of their borders.


The lime line is the street of seeds as planned by the mods (currently does not exist)
The blue area is houses I'd like to change for coherence with KL1
The green area is houses that would be influenced by the street of seeds (or changed into other buildings)
The red area is houses that need changing as you mentioned, but you can also include the middle thatch clump in this
the purple area is houses I'd like to make SIGNIFICANTLY WORSE > : D


I also think we should be considering KL2 as a wealthy district, considering its financial professions, and its proximity to both the gate of the gods and the cobblers square. Maybe putting a banker here and a tax collector or something. Any opinions?
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I think the map looks pretty good, thanks for taking the time to draw that up! In response to the wealth, I think the wealthier area can be the most close to Cobblers, otherwise it should be pretty middle-low class overall, since its mostly just grain professions and what not for the street of seeds, of course the houses along the main road can be an exception to that. This would fit with how KL1 has mostly higher class along the main road and square with the rest being less prosperous.
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I would personally argue against hesitating over doing substantial replotting for KL2, which would require nuking more houses than we would typically prefer. The current plotting throughout the district is woefully inadequate, and I feel at this point we should learn our lesson that it usually best to address the underlying problems of the old district rather to hide them behind prettier facades. Right now, KL2 is dominated by L shaped plots, which are both not representative of how the KL style has progressed, and overall are just worse to build with and harder to make work. The streets have a really uneven and messy flow, giving the feeling of streets made up a collection of random individual components rather than a cohesive unit. I would propose substantial replotting along the Street of Seeds and the main road leading to Cobblers Square, as well as changing the character of the side streets and alleyways from a random hodgepodge of buildings into something more interesting. There can perhaps be a focus on large multitenant structures such as those found in KL1, KL13, and KL31 with their own internal courtyards, and alleys leading to and from. I believe KL2 has the potential to be a really interesting and fun district just by making a city environment that has depth and which rewards exploration.


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hi Homie,

Sorry about the wait and thanks for being patient. I've discussed your app with the rest of the KL team, and we've decided that your plans seem in good shape and that we're ready to approve your app. However, there are some feedback/stipulations:

- The house style(s) still feel a bit indeterminate at the moment. Before you open up the district for building, we would like to see a well-defined styleguide and perhaps a small example street with completed facades, in order to ensure that the final product is cohesive. Please have one of us check this off before you open up the district.

- We would like the industrial areas of the district to be a bit more fleshed out, and perhaps refined a bit in terms of plotting. It would be nice to see the plotting informed by some specific ideas, as opposed to just adding large open areas to be filled in later on. I recommend looking at some of the new plotting near /warp OtCaulkburn for inspiration.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hey Homie, just wanted to check whether you're still interested in this district, and if so, if you have any updates to your plans to share?
Yes, I've been working with aeks and aino for a while now to upgrade the plotting, and its on my old plot at /warp Homiesucc. Additionally we thought of better reasons why it would be named the "street of seeds"

either A, lots of sycamores planted by jaehaerys or any of the wiser targaryens, and the street is literally covered in seeds
B, Lots of washhouses frequented by the Targaryens as they left and re-entered KL, so the seeds would be in reference to dragonseeds. Mostly Aegon II, Aegon IV, brightflame's men, etc
C, scattering of grain during riots

Im thinking B tbh just because of how funny it would be to have random bakers and shit with silver hair.