Recent content by lemonbear

  1. lemonbear

    Now Accepting Submissions for the Spring 2025 Rookery!

    We're now accepting submissions of any type for the Spring 2025 issue of the Rookery! These could include: Project spotlights OPINIONS Community spotlights (for community members who have made a positive impact on the community) COOL SHADERS, renders, fan art, anything creative! Building/World...
  2. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi Cris, This is looking a lot better! Before I make a decision, though, I want to check in on qBBQ, who also expressed interest in this mini.
  3. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi Cris, You're correct that I would prefer one large residence for the family. When I mentioned "separate residences for paid help further away," I meant more as a hamlet that would also be on the same side of the river. I asked the question about multiple buildings because that's what it...
  4. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    These buildings are a step in the right direction. For the stonecutter, the roof isn't the right palette or shape for Hornvale. I recommend taking inspiration from Italian barns (or the other workshops/barns across Tarbeck, Sarsfield, Brax/Hornvale lands). Guédelon also has a good example of a...
  5. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    These are a good start, but I recommend you look around at the various farmsteads around Tarbeck, Sarsfield, and Brax (Hornvale) lands. While the main work building can be your more standard barn shape, farmstead residence buildings (and castles) are where the more Italianate influence on the...
  6. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Announcing a new mini with creative storytelling elements!!!!! It's a tannery (/warp hvtannery) where mysterious disappearances have been occurring. There should be notes from people trying to figure out what is going on and an odd blood trail heading into the woods behind the tannery...
  7. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi Cris, Thanks for answering the call! Can I see some quick facade tests for the main buildings? Also, for a farmstead like this, I typically like to have a main residence building, perhaps with some separate residences for paid help further away. What was the thought behind multiple smaller...
  8. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Hi CDogz, congrats on your first mini app! This is a good start. I'm quite happy with your quarry plans and crane tests, but the buildings need some work. At the moment, their layouts and design are rather uninspired. I don't need buildings like these to be all that fancy, but I would like to...
  9. lemonbear

    The Rookery — Winter 2024

    (Image is the link)
  10. lemonbear

    Now Accepting Submissions for the Winter 2024 Rookery!

    We're now accepting submissions of any type for the Winter 2024 issue of the Rookery! These could include: Project spotlights OPINIONS Community spotlights (for community members who have made a positive impact on the community) COOL SHADERS, renders, fan art, anything creative! Building/World...
  11. lemonbear

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Happy to also approve! After seeing your work with the Wall castles, I'm confident you'll be able to fully bring the Dreadfort to life. In terms of the snow transition, I agree with moving the transition further north. For the style, Option 2 is better than leaving the vanilla now as-is, but I...
  12. lemonbear

    The Rookery — Autumn 2024

    (Image is the link)
  13. lemonbear

    Block Change Request: Differentiate Birch and Oak Leaves in Westerlands Biome

    Request: Differentiate Birch and Oak Leaves in Westerlands Biome Request Type: Change Try to describe all current uses of the block you request to be changed. Do you foresee any issues/ problems that could result from changing the block? In most biomes, there is a clear color difference...
  14. lemonbear

    Approved Central Westerlands megabuild (Tarbeck Hall, Sarsfield, Oxcross, Hornvale) by lemonbear

    Whoops, I had one more bit of feedback. I thought I edited my post last night but it doesn't seem to have stuck. My only other thing to change has to do with the more intricate rocks you've done at the base of the castle. I like the idea, but they're perhaps a bit overdone and they look very...