Recent content by jMp007

  1. jMp007

    Approved Project Application: House Hardy by NoahRYS and jMp007

    terra is very wip btw, you can see the progress on noah's plot though
  2. jMp007

    Approved Project Application: House Hardy by NoahRYS and jMp007

    hello again
  3. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    Hey Dutch, thanks for checking in :) I've been quite inactive recently but have hopped on the server a couple times this week and had a look around Haigh a bit. Most of it is done by now, only needs a few touch ups and a bit of terra here and there so I should be able to hop onto the server this...
  4. jMp007

    Westeroscraft walks goes to White Harbor

    Maybe add some cinematica of the terraforming and general surrounding lands if you don’t have time to walk through all of them. Would be easier than having to walk through large areas of fields and rivers and might be easier to show off some of the sick terraforming from above.
  5. jMp007

    The setting of the sun.

    The end of an era, farewell sweet prince.
  6. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    Plots are now open at /warp haigh my dudes, feel free to drop by, build a house and have some fun times.
  7. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    Sorry for the late reply, been a busy week with uni finishing up and other cool shit happening. I've had a look at the surrounding castles, and while a few of them are towerhouses, they're not exclusively all built in that way. Erenford and Keath, the two closest projects, are castles in their...
  8. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    I’d love to make a daub and wattle processing area somewhere in the build. I think either in the main village or somewhere along the river. As for fields and forests, I feel like I could definitely still do fields but may need an extra helping hand for forests, just while I get back into the...
  9. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    Ok so, I've changed up the palette of the houses, but for the most part I believe that the daub and wattle can stay. It works within the surrounding builds since Keath uses it, but it also makes sense due to the abundance of wood and the river nearby for the production of daub and wattle...
  10. jMp007

    Approved House Haigh by jMp007

    ah shit, here we go again
  11. jMp007

    Withdrawn Project Application: House Cox by jMp007

    My bad, you're right. I'll reapply for another project with these tests or variations of them. Thanks for the heads up!
  12. jMp007

    Withdrawn Project Application: House Cox by jMp007

    lol cocks
  13. jMp007

    Completed Project Application: Sable Hall by jMp007

    Turns out I forgot to get this post-approved but I’ve changed some stuff around to answer your guys’ feedback.
  14. jMp007

    Completed Project Application: Sable Hall by jMp007

    Here we go babyyyyy