Recent content by Jakethesnake8_8

  1. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Mega Project: Upper Honeywine (Brightwater Keep, Roxton, Hastwyck) by Margaery Tyrell

    Really great job Marge, I’m loving the cutbanks and point bars, as well as the sediment transition. Keep it up!
  2. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Hey there Cash! Just seen that Dreadfort is open for plots! I have a few comments on the house style. Currently, I feel like the style is a little basic, and could do with some refining. On the wooden houses: The Viking-style roof frame is nice, but I think it would look better with stairs as...
  3. Jakethesnake8_8

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    Hiya Seven, I’ve still yet to see the castle, I haven’t visited your plot yet. However, I think Aeks’ suggestions are good. I have visited Chateau Chinon and have some pictures if you would like them. Let me know! On the note about feedback, I understand it can be overwhelming to receive lots...
  4. Jakethesnake8_8

    Project Application: House Beesbury (Update) By ViserysII

    Lovely stuff Vis! I have some feedback with the house style. I think it would be a good idea to work in some shapes and stylistic elements seen in the OT Sprawl that has/is being worked on. Namely some shallower rooves, arches, arcades etc. I also think having more brown rooves would help...
  5. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Immersion Build: The Burning Septry.

    Bumping for Mod approval pretty please
  6. Jakethesnake8_8

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    I’m liking the new additions! It’ll definitely help make that a smooth style transition. My only feedback would be the gradient. Maybe remove the light reach fieldstone. The cobbles are high contrast blocks, but the light fieldstones are relatively lower, with the Westerlands fieldstone being...
  7. Jakethesnake8_8

    Project Application: House Kidwell of Ivy Hall

    Hiya 7! As someone who previously showed interest in Ivy Hall and the surrounding area, I’d recommend still revisiting the house style a little more. Incorporating elements from the inspiration images I sent on discord and the ones on your document would be a good way to start. In doing so you...
  8. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Bigglestone by Jakethesnake8_8

    Hiya Rex! Love the layout and tent designs. A couple of notes from me and the Harrenhal team. 1) Make sure to add plenty of details showing it as an active war zone. Feel free to use the chevalier de frise blocks and some other little details to really distinguish that it’s a siege camp as...
  9. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Immersion Build: The Burning Septry.

    Hi all, I’m applying for the hospice mini in the village of the Burning Septry. The layout is all Ant’s work, I’ve just built up structures and gradiented the buildings. All ints are either planned or finished, so feel free to take a look on my plot. My laptop is currently being repaired so I...
  10. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved [APPEAL APPROVED] Project Application: Dreadfort by Banty & SMP

    Hiya Cash, I’d like to request a hand in terra, given I am working on the Lonely Hills and populating that area, it’s important that we work together to blend the areas. Feel free to contact me on discord and we can discuss! Excited to see DF get some love!
  11. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Lonely Hills Terra Project

    Hiya gang, Started up some work on the Lonely Hills again! I'm slowly starting to plan out roads and paths through the valleys and hills, as well as plotting a few structures. I'd love to hear from my approving mods and anyone else with relevant expertise. I've also been trying out grass and...
  12. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved Mega Project: Upper Honeywine (Brightwater Keep, Roxton, Hastwyck) by Margaery Tyrell

    Vineyard innit. A couple plots for probies to do should they wish, the main house has ints planned, with the rest to follow
  13. Jakethesnake8_8

    Approved House Mollen - Finn

    Heya Finn, Looking at your forest tests, I am blown away. Forests are a hard thing to get right, and you've done a really nice job of detailing the area. A couple notes from me: 1) Duckweed floor cover In the coniferous forest, the duckweed cover is good. In order to prevent it looking too...
  14. Jakethesnake8_8

    Completed Probation: Aferys

    Don’t stress it! Like you say you’re new, and there’s a learning curve that comes with it. Up to you if you want to keep developing the build or if you want to cede control to someone else. Either way, it’s your choice!