Recent content by Imic

  1. Imic

    OT Team: Canals & Rivers

    I can has join team Canal? I promise I won't go too heavy into a waterfront slum aesthetic in every circumstance I find myself =)
  2. Imic

    Agricultural infrastructure

    I’m aware, like I said I wasn’t aiming that at you, I’m just hyper paranoid that someone (Probably just in my imagination) will provide all the above arguments, so I threw out a bunch of counter arguments in advance. Once again, sorry for being a dick, that was’t my intention.
  3. Imic

    Agricultural infrastructure

    Most of my sources are from Britain and Ireland, with a scattering of French, German, and Swiss in the mix as well due to the language barriers involved, so I apologise for not knowing about that. Regardless, if that is what is considered the norm on this server, then A: I would appreciate a Mod...
  4. Imic

    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Aeksio helped trying up loose ends, the completed plotting is ready for inspection, Joseidon1. I may have added a shed for almost every house, as a part of my planned Farm Building Revolution. I request that even if you disagree with these, you not remove them entirely, though as project leader...
  5. Imic

    Agricultural infrastructure

    I have noticed for a long time, for as long as I have known about this server's existence, that there is a distinct lack of agricultural infrastructure in the unspeakably vast majority of rural settlements constructed in Westeroscraft. Farms need a lot of stuff to exist, agricultural life isn't...
  6. Imic

    KL Remaster Style Discussion

    I'm currently working on an update of kl9, which links kl1 and kl17, but those two regions are stated to have their own building styles, Square styles 1 and 2 respectively. Square style 2, at least to my knowledge, does not have any currently existing examples, which leads me to a predicament. I...
  7. Imic


  8. Imic

    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    A part of the limiting factor of that is the current terrain of the valley that the village is situated in, it'll need at least a little bit of terraforming before plotting can properly begin. Sorry for getting back to you so late, I think that my timezone is working against me right now. That...
  9. Imic

    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Bümp Help me Obi Cashbanks Kenobi, you’re my only hope.
  10. Imic

    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    Thank you very much, and sorry for missing the info on animals being available to hunt. I'll pop on to modify the window design of the angled house in a couple of minutes, when I'm free.
  11. Imic

    Abandoned Project Application: Clan Burley by Joseidon

    This is my application for the mini at Burleyham2. I laid the plots out at the actual site of Burleyham2 rather than at my plot, as the copy of the area at my plot was too small and I felt too awkward to say to Ravish that the second time he copied and pasted the area area was still too small...
  12. Imic

    Abandoned Update Application - District 32 - Pix & Shymon

    ... So I made a test of the orphanage, at /warp imic. I know it's been... quite a while, but it wasn't marked as being tested, and I went looking through the forums with no dice. So I made a test for the orphanage. I've made three or four tests previously over the last month or so, I'm more than...
  13. Imic

    Completed Probation: Imic

    Well, uh, wow. Thank you. Thank you for the advice, the help, the criticisms, the critique, the godlike tolerance of my constant apologies, self deprication, hyperactivity, "occasional" stubbornness, my tendency to learn about things by bashing my head against them relentlessly until the...
  14. Imic

    Completed Probation: Imic

    Build #46: Fisherman, /warp varnerham1, X: -2956 Y: 57 Z: 15406 Is this any better?