Server Builds

Organizing the Oldtown Server Builds
Server Projects include the three major canon locations in Oldtown: The Battle Isle and the Hightower, the Citadel, and the Starry Sept. Due to their significance most readers of the books have their own, distinct vision of these locations. The aim of the server builds is to attempt to find a common ground for the majority of our members. Like all of our server builds, each of these three will be prepared in advance by 1 to at most 2 veteran builders or mods, and everybody else will have the opportunity to contribute by completing a number of tasks of varying size. Details about each of the three server builds is going to be provided in the respective threads. The server build leaders chosen thus far are: Battle Isle/Hightower...
Leadership: tbd Trello:
Leadership: tbd Trello:
Leadership: Arkilstorm, WhereRMyDragons Trello: