waddles Builder Application


14 years old.

United States

I had a large interest in both Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire around a year ago, and I was also a fan of Minecraft. I downloaded multiple maps from Planet MC credited to this server, and decided to check it out. I was inactive for a while but decided to try it out again!

I have a large fondness for Lord of the Rings. Along with that, I also have a fondness for The Hobbit. I do enjoy Harry Potter, but in general I like any fantasy book I pick up.

Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
Feast for Crows
Dance of Dragons

All of the above

I would have to say Arya Stark is my favorite character, due to a few reasons. She, despite growing up as the little lady of a Great House, was independent and decided to take her own path, not the one paved for her by others. When I was younger and I read about her character, she reminded me much of myself and that has made a soft spot grow in my heart for Arya. Instead of giving up after what happened to her family, she grew stronger and more resilient, and continued to persevere. She took her own path through life and blazed through it. Instead of having to constantly remind people of who she was and why she's powerful, she shows it through her actions and doesn't need words to describe it, as other female characters go.

I'm a fan of doing terraforming by hand, and I can make it look either whimsical and with the tone of a fantasy, or I can make it a more realistic landform. I enjoy using different and less conventional blocks to create a natural scene, which add to the authenticity and aesthetic of my builds. While I can built in a realistic manner, I enjoy doing half-fantasy the most. Not entirely fantasy where it's surreal, but a sense of this is in a different world than our own, or this house would not have been found in a regular medieval village or town. I love to create different palettes and combine them to compliment each other, so I believe that I can bring unique terraforming, shading, and coloring. Houses aren't my strong suit, but I love complimenting them with terrain.

I have an intense passion for both A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones. When I stumbled upon this server, I was in absolute awe of all of the structures, and wanted to have the chance to take part in this amazing project. I've been building on Minecraft for a few years, and while I never became the builder I'd like to be, I greatly improved my style and developed my own fashion of building. I believe that, by building for this server, I can help with the project that I've been fascinated by but also simultaneously improving my own building style. I'd love to see this project near it's finish, whether how many years that may be ahead. I've taken part in a few different building projects in months and years past, but none of them have particularly drawn me. Overall, I think that I'd be able to improve on my building while helping others and helping this project reach it's fruition, and I would love to be able to help plan and bring new ideas to the table.

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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey waddles, thank you for the application! I'm glad to see your interest in our server.

While your build seems to grasp the high-level features we're looking for, it isn't currently up to server standards. However, I think with a bit of practice we can get you there soon enough.

I won't give super in-depth feedback this first time around, but will instead give very general (but quite important) feedback: try to give your houses some sort of coherent structure. You want to think of architecture here (how are houses typically built? Would some particular thing be stable? What do rooves typically look like?) as well as function (what do the interiors need to have? What rooms would be in a typical house? What kind of furnishings correspond to the wealth/poverty of the residents?).

Always avoid adding detail just for the sake of adding detail. The stone buttons on the ends of logs are an example. They don't really serve a purpose and aren't realistic. Likewise, try to avoid "framing" your house with logs (in general, don't use the full log blocks in houses, they just look pretty clunky) or having large indents/extruded areas.

Before continuing with this app, I would recommend spending some time around some of our newer builds (for example: King's Landing (esp. /warp klsprawl), White Harbor, Highgarden, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, Uffering, Bandallon, Westbrook etc) and studying how we build. Specifically, things like interior layouts, furnishings, roof angles, palettes, etc. Try to have an eye for detail. One thing that helps is finding some specific houses that you particularly like, taking screenshots of them, and combining elements from those houses into your own original house (and then, as you get more confident, you can experiment more). Lastly, a couple helpful warps for learning more are /warp gradients and /warp furnish.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about anything I said above! I'm happy to help. When you've experimented with some of the styles above and feel ready to continue this app, post some images of the house which you feel most confident in (make sure to include enough screenshots of the interior so I can get a good sense of it). Good luck!
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Okay! I'll be sure to try out the styles more and work on a new house. Thank you for all of the advice!