I've followed the server for some time, I probably found it from the famous picture of Kings Landing. Recently though I've explored to better put pictures to the places described in the books, I'm currently listening my way through the series.
Currently playing Stronghold HD for the nostalgia factor
Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
All of the above
Arya Stark. Her Journey is probably the most interesting and she gives a very unique perspective of the war in the first few books. I like the way she reacts to events around her being overly brave and sometimes stupid, I think she's a lot like her father, with less common sense and no filter.
I don't claim to be a good builder at all, I found that out trying to build a house with the Westerocraft blocks. I have always worked on the same castle since 2012, so I could say I'm attuned to working on large scale projects, moving to and from smaller builds to create a larger scene.
(I have included screenshots of the project I've worked on for all these years, It doesn't fit with your theme at all and I've had to build everything in the same style I used ages 13, but I just like to show people, it was solo SMP
I'm good at being told what to do!
I can take ideas and themes and make them my own (*but not too my own)
And I want to learn and develop (this probably belongs in the box below). I've limited myself for a long time sticking to the theme I made 6/7 years ago. I feel the more I get to build and shape things on your map, the better I will become.
Mainly, I want to build as part of a big team to see the results and think 'Yeh I helped' (maybe only 0.01%, but I still helped.)
I have a decent amount of spare time to give, around my job, maybe 6-7 hours a week.
I'm also hoping to make some friends, I've never done real community builds so I hope to work with others on larger projects.
Any other questions please just ask, My IGN/discord is Lettos but I did log in with Voxatron which is my secondary/spying accound (loooong story)
I've followed the server for some time, I probably found it from the famous picture of Kings Landing. Recently though I've explored to better put pictures to the places described in the books, I'm currently listening my way through the series.
Currently playing Stronghold HD for the nostalgia factor
Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords
All of the above
Arya Stark. Her Journey is probably the most interesting and she gives a very unique perspective of the war in the first few books. I like the way she reacts to events around her being overly brave and sometimes stupid, I think she's a lot like her father, with less common sense and no filter.
I don't claim to be a good builder at all, I found that out trying to build a house with the Westerocraft blocks. I have always worked on the same castle since 2012, so I could say I'm attuned to working on large scale projects, moving to and from smaller builds to create a larger scene.
(I have included screenshots of the project I've worked on for all these years, It doesn't fit with your theme at all and I've had to build everything in the same style I used ages 13, but I just like to show people, it was solo SMP
I'm good at being told what to do!
I can take ideas and themes and make them my own (*but not too my own)
And I want to learn and develop (this probably belongs in the box below). I've limited myself for a long time sticking to the theme I made 6/7 years ago. I feel the more I get to build and shape things on your map, the better I will become.
Mainly, I want to build as part of a big team to see the results and think 'Yeh I helped' (maybe only 0.01%, but I still helped.)
I have a decent amount of spare time to give, around my job, maybe 6-7 hours a week.
I'm also hoping to make some friends, I've never done real community builds so I hope to work with others on larger projects.
Any other questions please just ask, My IGN/discord is Lettos but I did log in with Voxatron which is my secondary/spying accound (loooong story)
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