Approved Update Application - KL6c


Royal Messenger
District description :

KL6c is a district hugging the northern walls of the city. It has nothing of importance besides a small city barracks.

New canon :

Not much to say here. The new district will consist of some small industry, KL houses and multitenants for the poor working in the brothels and inns of nearby Street of Silk.

District's current state :

Currently the district mostly has small houses and backyards with little to no industry.

Update Plans :

So about the plans, not much here either. There are gonna be 4 points of interests in the district listed below :

1- The city barrakcs i am planning to keep from the old version
2- A market of sort, could be open or covered(open for ideas here)
3- A stables building that used to stand on kl5 but i removed
4- A small sept(the hexagon)

As i mentioned above ,the district in general will follow a simple pattern that revolves around the main road that goes all the way from The Old Gate to the Dragon Gate. The density will increase the closer you get to the Dragon pit which is known to be one of the wealthier areas
of the city. The remaining bits will just be generic KL sprawl.

Tests :

You can find the tests at /warp goose.


Update Map :

Here is a basic map of the district with the points of interests.

kl6c plans.png

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Donkey Lord
Staff member
Since this is downhill of the Hill of Rhaenys, I'd put in at least 2 wells in this area. This section near the wall would be perfect for having a big laundry business or two.
The street of Silk would have huge demand for clean cloth. Washerwomen would be a dime a dozen but their industry would be in huge demand. Having a big well with a tenter-ground of drying laundry would be great. Or a multitenant with a central courtyard full of hanging sheets. If you've seen Mama Mia, the Mama Mia song number itself is what I'm thinking.
This could even be combined with the market. There could be washing and drying sheets strung above the market itself. It'd be cool to try making it a dense market in a street rather than a square. We don't have heaps of those. (Cant seem to link the image on mobile)

There should be at least one laundry with a stall on the street imo. Basically dirty clothes basket, clean clothes basket, coloured clothes basket. I'd imagine stealing and selling clothes of wealthy patrons on the Street of Silk would also be a thriving business in that area

When it comes to the barracks, I think you've got a really cool opportunity to test combining it into the wall tower structure. Emphasis on testing whether that works. You've got the opportunity to make a fun little holdfast adjacent with that barracks-tower combo.

Stables is all good. Style I'm liking a lot but make sure to break up the close timber occasionally.

Also with the sept, you've probably already thought of this but I'd put the three female figures front and centre. Mercy, innocence and wisdom front and centre. Also could bring some Hecate/Fates/Nurns vibe into it.


Royal Messenger
Since this is downhill of the Hill of Rhaenys, I'd put in at least 2 wells in this area. This section near the wall would be perfect for having a big laundry business or two.
The street of Silk would have huge demand for clean cloth. Washerwomen would be a dime a dozen but their industry would be in huge demand. Having a big well with a tenter-ground of drying laundry would be great. Or a multitenant with a central courtyard full of hanging sheets. If you've seen Mama Mia, the Mama Mia song number itself is what I'm thinking.
This could even be combined with the market. There could be washing and drying sheets strung above the market itself. It'd be cool to try making it a dense market in a street rather than a square. We don't have heaps of those. (Cant seem to link the image on mobile)

There should be at least one laundry with a stall on the street imo. Basically dirty clothes basket, clean clothes basket, coloured clothes basket. I'd imagine stealing and selling clothes of wealthy patrons on the Street of Silk would also be a thriving business in that area

When it comes to the barracks, I think you've got a really cool opportunity to test combining it into the wall tower structure. Emphasis on testing whether that works. You've got the opportunity to make a fun little holdfast adjacent with that barracks-tower combo.

Stables is all good. Style I'm liking a lot but make sure to break up the close timber occasionally.

Also with the sept, you've probably already thought of this but I'd put the three female figures front and centre. Mercy, innocence and wisdom front and centre. Also could bring some Hecate/Fates/Nurns vibe into it.
i love the laundry/drying area idea and will definitely try to incorperate it somewhere.

The holdfast interconnected with the walls was an idea i had that i wasnt so sure trying , wanted to keep the barracks small in size, however, now that you suggested i do i’ll give it a shot


Royal Messenger
Update on the plans :

First of all i want to mention something i had forgotten to mention previously. My aim is to stay faithful to the original roads and infastructure and maybe changing a few streets if need be.

I also forgot to mention that the Street of Silver actually starts from kl6c right next to where i plan to have the sept thus i plan to implement the "gambling" idea to an extent on that street.

Moreover, i wanna clear out that i dont plan to make the upper parts of the district rich with KL manses like KL8. My district doesnt involve much of the rhaenys' foothill anyway. The upper bits will simply be more planned out rather than rich.

And finally, the market. first of all, i dont plan to make the market a square with stalls etc. I thought what we call in turkish "arasta" which is basicly a street with shops that speciliazie on a single product in both sides(covered or open air) might be interesting. The "arasta" can focus on any product, food, clothing,
carpentry, smithy equipment... basicly anything. I have yet to decide which product i want the product to focus on but aino suggested a great idea that the
arasta would be an old ruined/burned building from the previous days of KL when it was still a small town.


Royal Messenger
Hey emot! i havent had the chance to work on the district due to the valyrian contest and me being a tad exhausted of working in KL after the new timbers dropped. my plans are still the same im just taking a little break from KL and focusing in other stuff like the contest, i shall start working on the district after the contest is over.