Timberwo1f Builder Application




I did an Independent Search for such a server.

YES!!! Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth Series

Game of Thrones

All of the above

Arya - she's a rebel, as seen when she prefers NOT to attend the lessons of a Lady. She's not afraid to go against the norm, as seen when she accepts Needle from Jon, and when she takes sword lessons. She's a survivor, as seen when she poses as a boy to get out of Kings Landing.

Sadly no, I'd be learning from a basic skill level when building, but I Love teamwork and creating something awesome. It's possible that through my learning, we'll find something I AM very good at, but compared to the skill level I'm seeing on the server - I've got a LOT to learn!

I absolutely Love ASOIAF and also Love Minecraft - the idea of creating the world I've come to know from the show in a playable MC world is intoxicating - I'd LOVE to help in any way I can!




Dowager Countess of Grantham
Staff member
Hi Timber,

Thanks for applying for builder! We really appreciate people stepping up to join our project! I’ve taken a look at your application build and have a little bit of feedback:

Firstly, overall the house is quite nice, and wouldn’t necessarily be out of place in the real world as a tudor-style house, but we do ask that builders take a look at the server and build a house that they see fitting into an existing project. This house is very large for a ‘little house’, and has a few things that could be worked on to make it fit into the server a little better.

- The Daub and Wattle on the Living Room side of the house isn’t symmetrical, which looks odd. Most houses will have symmetrical wattle supports, which would then be mirrored on the opposite side of the house. The little window on the upper floor should really have some diagonal supports also, as it looks a little odd surrounded by plain daub, whilst the middle section has such an overpowering line of continuous daub crosses.

- The roof overhang over the gables isn’t supported from the underside, which looks a little unfinished. With 45 degree roofs such as this, we recommend you use upturned wooden stair blocks beneath the roof material to create clean diagonal lines.

- Your interiors aren’t too bad, but you are using a couple of techniques that are quite outdated and we would persuade against using, such as torches as lighting inside houses. Torches are good for city streets and castles, but shouldn’t really be used in houses, especially those with wooden floors, as embers would frequently fall from the small brazier, and would set fire to any wood around them.

- The house is large enough inside that it could definitely have a staircase inside, rather than a ladder to reach the upper floor, and this would allow you to have a completely separate floor, instead of just a mezzanine level instead.

- We don’t tend to use stair blocks as chairs, as we have specific stool and leather blocks which are specifically designed to use as seating. These can be backed using wooden half-walls and wattle fences.

- When creating a second floor, remember that these will need rafters to support them. Using whole meter-cubed blocks of planks doesn’t necessarily look realistic and lacks rafters. Try using upturned stair blocks and slabs to create rafters below the floor. Many houses in /warp fairmarket and /warp whiteharbour incorporate this nice style of floor building.

- On the subject of rafters, the house roof isn’t supported on the inside at all. This is something that really adds a sense of realism and makes the interiors a little more dynamic. Check out Whiteharbour and Fairmarket for some great roof support ideas for future builds.

- Always remember chimneypots on your houses. These divert the smoke up and away from the house cleanly, and looks a little more elegant than a stop-dead chimney stack.

- The stone foundation of your house is nice, but could do with a little more detail. Use other similar bricks to create a palette in all stonework. Mix the light stone bricks with the ‘stone bricks’ block, and even some cobble stone to create natural weathering effects. This is something that’s expected of every build. A great example of this can be seen on the walls of /warp harvesthall.

This house has a lot of potential but has a number of small outdated mistakes; nothing too bad though! Nicely done.

For your first Challenge Build, I’d like you to build a middle class house in the style of /warp whiteharbour. Pay particular attention to the palette of buildings there, and the way the roofs are shaped/supported. Please post screenshots of your build in this thread and I’ll get back to you with some more feedback.

Good Luck!