Probation: Rexstop


Ill be your probation leader, in the next month you have to build alteast 5 houses, if you will succeed and your building style will be up to the standard you will get promoted to a full builder, if not I will prolong the duration of your probation period!
Good Luck
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1# Build:
- make sure your tables with one or 2 legs have a match wooden block underneath them, so it looks like they actually have a some sort of platform the keep them standing
- make sure your crops match the ones of the project
- make sure axe, shovel, dagger and pickaxe blocks are in reasonable places
- if you have a bunch of firewood and an axe, make sure you dont forget a chopping block
- avoid having a full basket of veggies next to an unharvested veggie patch
- make sure your carpets have a shape to them and are not a random patches of blocks mixed into the ground cover

2# Build:
- try to minimize the amount of iron in low class houses
- dont over-furnish your houses

Otherwise well done!
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Indeed. Thank you for your help and your feedback Simba. I really appreciate it.

Here is my #4 building: /warp ashwood X:1128 Y:47 Z: -4260.


Build #4
- when adding damage to a building, try to have it in clusters, rather than individual stairblocks
- make the animal pen big enough to accommodate atleast a pig
- make sure that the floor is covered with thatch
- make sure your crops match the ones around the project (groundcover included)
- you forgot smoke

Build #5
- all good
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Build #6
- make sure the ints are not clusterfuck
- wall defining your yard belong to the plot aswell, unless told specifically that they do not!
- rework the yard, the plotting of the veggie patch is chaotic
- youre missing smoke

Build #8
- youre missing smoke
- dont use cabinet windows
- dont have mud inside unless there is a specific reason to have it

Build #7
- make sure the furniture reflects the social status of the inhabitants
- theres too much firewood and storage blocks
- dont forget to mix dirt into gravel and vice versa, try to aim for a 1:1 ratio
- you are missing smoke

anyway that should be it
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Build #9
-use the same clay texture as the other potters in the area
- few minor interior/exterior details not worth mentioning
- we added some more carpet

Otherwise well done
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Also, 2 more houses at /warp oxcross that I forgot to add to the thread (#10, #11)
coordinates: X: -6669, Y: 58, Z:11031


Build #10 & #11
- do not use glass in lowclass houses
- please, always do your research when making a specific job, and dont use salt crates for milk

Build #12
- all good!
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Ill hopefully be able to review the houses tomorrow evening. If everything goes as planned, you should be a full builder by the end of the week!
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