Probation: Lisylla


hello Lisylla, Ill be your probation leader, in the upcoming month Id ask you to build atleast five houses, but feel free to build more! I will make sure all the houses are error free by reviewing the houses with you. If for some reason we cannot meet on the server I will provide full feedback of the house here in this thread, otherwise you can always expect to see a brief recap of the faults and errors associated with each house in this thread aswell. I am looking forward to working with you!


1st House - we went through the feedback in game, here are the highlights
- make sure the daub and wattle pattern makes sense, reinforce the corners etc...
- when using hanging blocks, try to have them on one horizontal rope rather then on vertical ones
-make sure the firewood stacks are stacked in the right shape, we dont want them falling down
-a crate full of veggies next to an unharvested veggie patch...
-limit yourself to around 3 blocks of smoke per chimney
-few other minor issues

Otherwise Well done


2nd House - we went through the feedback in game, here are the highlights
All good, Good Job!
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3rd House - we went through the feedback in game, here are the highlights
given the limitations of the project its a fairly decent build,
- the few minor issues were in the ints, such as baskets/items on places that are very hard to reach if not impossible
- make sure you have the ground at the same level if possible, if not make sure you have some sort of retaining wall there
otherwise good Job


4th House - I am not sure about the status of Mances Camp, so Id recommend to avoid building here, otherwise seems fine
5th House - we went through the feedback in game, here are the highlights, its hard to communicate using signs -.-
-make sure the beams, and rafters make sense, otherwise well done!
6th House - we went through the feedback in game, here are the highlights, its hard to communicate using signs -.-
- we adjust the ints a bit, and please make sure you dont have random blocks of food hanging in rather random places, try to have most of the hanging blocks near each other and on a rope
- make sure the weathering is at the right spot - towards the bottom of the house

Otherwise all good


7th House: fishyard workers, low class, /warp whshipyard, coords: 1830, 58, -2832
8th House: farmers, low class, /warp whshipyard, coords: 1840, 58, -2842
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Hahaha, I may look like a zombie in the morning, but I'm pretty sure I've still got blood in my veins ;). I think everything's alright now. Simbaa said I would be promoted a while ago, but I haven't gotten the builder rank afaik?