Completed Probation: Gealruable


Royal Messenger
Hello guys,
thanks for allowing me to join this server as a builder, I hope I can live up to the standard and add something to the project.
This is the start of my probation thread. With the exams coming up, I won't have too much time on my hands, but I'll see that I get a house finished each weekend.
Looking forward to working with you :)


Royal Messenger
Warehouse at /warp kl4 3571 62 -1332 (near the city walls), in good condition, used by the nearby leather-worker and potter.

Scub already gave me feedback, which influenced mostly the roof.
Hey Gealruable,
Welcome to the team! I will be your probation leader.

During your probation period, you must aim to build 5 houses in 5 different regional styles. However, I encourage probies to build over the 5 mandatory houses to further improve their building skills.

Every time you build a house in-game, leave the nearest /warp, coordinates, and house number on this thread. I prefer to give feedback in-game, and post overall feedback here to let the mods know how you're doing, as well as for you to reflect on it when building future houses!

To find available plots, you can do the following:
-Open dynmap and enable open plots.
-Look at /warp build.
-Ask people in the game, if there are no plots open, I could also plot some for you on a test plot, just ask!

I expect you to always reflect on past feedback when building new houses, as this is a way for you to show improvement. After a month has passed, I can approve you as full builder if you have shown a good understanding of how things work in the server, if I still feel like you really need more help, I will extend your probation period.

Again, Welcome to the Team and good luck!
Just a quick update on Gea's probation, I had previously gone over houses 3 and 4 with Gea in-game, small feedback was given on the interiors. Gea's probation should've ended on the 27th of last month but due to real life schedules, Gea was not able to complete all 5 houses by the time, therefore the probation period is being extended until Gea is able to show me his kl house....


Royal Messenger
/warp coldonplots -102 56 -6609
low class woodworker i started a while back, mostly the same as previous builds

As Ever stated above, due to the exams nearing, i have less time on my hands.
Im working on a high class Kl house, ill see that it is finished before the end of the month :)
Hello, I have gone over house 5 with Gea in game, there was no feedback to be given here and everything looked pretty solid. Although I was hoping to see a higher class house from Gea, there's no need to keep their probation going as Gea has shown good understanding of how the server's building style works! Therefore I'm happy to approve Gealruable as full builder at this point... your next step is to ask a mod in game to promote you, congrats!