Probation: Darkavenger_13

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Ill take you under my wing, (I've got Arks permission), in the next month you have to build atleast 5 houses, afterwards if you have reached the server standard you will become a full builder!
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First house - we talked about it ingame here are the highlights:
- try to have your ints organized in a meaningful way
- limit the use of storage blocks (crates, barrels, baskets, sacks etc...) a peasant house is not a warehouse or barn, they wouldnt have more than they need.
- do not make walls, wattles etc... too messy, yes they start to get weathered as they age and start falling apart but in a reasonable manner, especially when people are living right next to them, they would get repaired if needed
- few other things we talked about ingame

Thats all for the first house.
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2nd House:
We went through it ingame, here are the Highlights:
- excess amount of storage blocks
- carpet was bit patchy
- ivy should grow from the bottom up not the otherway around

Otherwise a very nice build with a lovely garden! keep it up!
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build #3

We went through it ingame here are the highlights:
- make sure to cover the entire process of making the product in the industry/job ( a baker isnt only about having bread and ovens, but also about preparing the dough etc...)
- try to be efficient with space, especially on the inside of the building
-otherwise overall a decent build
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build #4
- minor adjustments to the ints
- we fixed few block on the outside such as the shed by using halfdoors to give it bit more space on the inside
- tools wouldnt really be left alone in the garden to rust away
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build #5
we talked about it ingame, here are the highlights:
-do not overuse storage blocks!
-if you want contrast, have the furniture in a different wood type, rather than having the floor blocks have 2 different colors
-make sure the fireplace feels right
-not all houses have to be pitch black, without any light source
- have lightsources in meaningful places where they are not firehazards etc..
- and few other minor things, otherwise a nice house


Build #6
We went through it ingame, here are the highlights:
-make sure that the smoke blocks match the stuff burning inside, few hot embers wont create alot of smoke
-straw (thatch) would be used as an insulation so make sure there is enough of it on the ground for it to work
-food, grain wouldnt be stored in places where it can get easily stolen or destroyed by vermin/weather

Otherwise all good!
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Reactions: Darkaveger_13


Build #7
We went through it ingame, here are the highlights:
- we changed the couldron for heating the wax to something that looks better and makes bit more sense
- dont go overdo it with burining candles, a candlemaker wouldnt burn his own stock
- some minor block changes regarding cabinets, benches,tables etc...

otherwise all good
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Reactions: Darkaveger_13


Build #8
We went through it ingame, here are the highlights:
-make sure that the job fits its interiors, not all jobs are just like vendors selling already produced goods, a tailor would not mass produce clothes but rather tailor them so they fit the person who ordered them.
- to closer you are to the roof the shittier the apartment gets
- we also did some heavy int reorganizing to fit into the above feedback

otherwise well done
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Reactions: Darkaveger_13
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