Probation: BalrogSlayer


Hello Balrog,
as I promised here I am. Your very own probation leader, in the next month I will ask you to build atleast 5 houses in various different styles. I will make sure to walk you through the feedback I will be giving you preferably first hand, while reviewing the houses with you on the server. If for some reason this way will not be available Ill post the feedback right here in detail for you to find. I will also be leaving a brief recap of any mistakes/errors etc.. we found on your houses aswel for you to use as a reference in your future builds.

Good Luck!


Keath house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
- no farmland for cabbages
-make sure the weathering (jungle/oak) looks fitting to the building
- excess amount of storage blocks
-limit the amount of metal pieces to only 1-2 per low class household
- some small tweaks in furnishing placement etc..
- otherwise a solid first build

Ball house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
- tables with only 1 leg have arent the best at staying up :D
-a candle can be a pretty big fire hazard
-excess amount of storage blocks
-limit the amount of metal pieces to only 1-2 per low class household
-few interior tweaks, like replacing rope ladders with regular ones etc...
-otherwise great job


Sth house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
-crates are full of veggies despite the untouched crops around
-having a fine white linen in the mud is something few would do
-leather/stuffed seats are prone to getting ruined by water, and it can rain outside
-try not to have overcrowded yards
- try not to overuse storage blocks 6 for most low class houses is enough

otherwise well done

ConkHam house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
-Fire hazard
-do not mix too many different beds

otherwise well done


Bandavassal1 house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
- seems like enah adressed all the issues with you, I have nothing else to say
well done
Harteham2 house - there are some problems regarding the profession/etc.. of the house - the project leader should solve those first

Harteham1 house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
-all good found no errors
good job

Newkeep house- here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
-few int details
otherwise good job

Brandybottom house - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
- add some patches of grass around the corners of the yard and in areas that are not likely to get trampled
- few exts/ints issues
good job


Keath houses (11,12) - here are the highlights (we went through the house in game)
- try to have blocks that are meant to hang from a rope on a rope
-do not have windows directly on the ground level
- few minor int/ext issues

otherwise well done