Dreadfort lands (/warp ramsaysmill):
XYZ: 4636.403/ 55.36372/ -8843.478
Very good job! However, is it an open fire kiln to cook the clay or are you missing a kiln? Enclosed kilns were more common and practical as they often allowed all sides of the pottery to be cooked evenly.
Other comments
-Bread wasn't that common in households
-Keep the number of utensils minimal generally 1 tool block per house. As they were expensive.
Haigh farmer 1. X 470 Y4712
One of the Haigh farmer homes has an outside baker hut. Why? They aren't a baker? Those outdoor ovens are generally reserved for that profession specifically vs a farmer who would maximize space for crops as the yards were the way they fed their family.
Haigh Inn
There are a few melons about the sofa left there. I felt that it was ranging on being modern-looking "L-shaped' seats didn't really exist like that aside from benches.
One of thee barrels on the second floor has a pot on it. Barrels are round, therefore, things would easily fall off.
you MUST consider the realities of objects in order to create realism. Just as you wouldn't want a floating block as it's not realistic, you must consider the properties of the object. So no stone on top of wood, no pots on top of round barrels, no fires near thatch.
That kitchen fireplace doesn't work. It exposes fire on the sides where if i stand in a certain spot I can see right in. Aswell when I fly around I can see the fire through the gaps from the wall. Please ensure you enclosed fireplaces are fully enclosed. Please switch the wall stone blocks out for full stone blocks.
Overall so far-
You're homes are very unique and very nicely done. Good job on the attention to detail. Moving forth I would like to see a greater consideration in logic. Consider researching medieval peasant life, you will need too eventually for projects. Try to think beyond what you see and are working with. "Would this be practical?" "Would I want this here if this was my home?" "Would this be impractical?" "Did they actually have this?" "Could they afford that?" Keep asking yourself questions about the practicality of the details you're adding. And if you think it wouldn't be realistic. Don't do it. Try your best to transfer real life to Minecraft
. Your exteriors are very strong and I have no problem with those.
All that being said you're doing great. I choose randomly 3 homes to inspect. I want a few more homes now you have some critique. I'll be looking for improvements in the areas stated
Thanks Alex!