Konradsoderlund Builder Application


14 (15 by the 12th of June (5 days))

The Kingdom of Sweden

I was googling around for ASOIAF, AGOT and stuff, also saw about it on youtube.

ASOIAF and Tolkiens Middle Earth.

Game of Thrones
Clash of Kings
Storm of Swords

Season 1

Well in ASOIAF it is quite hard to pick a favourite character but probally the clever, intelligent eloquent Tyrion or the tactical genius of Robb Stark (even doe he does some stupid mistakes in the later books).

Amibition, creativity and I hope my building skills.

Well so first of I really like the ASOIAF universe, and i would like to make the whole universe in Minecraft. I also kind of like building, (when i got time) so it really suits me.

(Note read A World of Ice and Fire, alot of the ASOIAF Wiki (AWOIAF) and half AFFC.)

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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Konrad,

Thank you very much for your application! If I remember correctly you were in the process of applying on the old forums, and your house is very high-quality already, so this application shouldn't take very long at all.

My only main feedback on this house is that the yard seems a bit too much like a "bubble yard", meaning that it has an oddly round/"organic" shape which looks strange in contrast to the rectangular houses. A general principle I try to use (obviously there are exceptions) is that man-made things should be more "angular" and neat, and natural things less so. So try to use straight or diagonal lines for the garden walls.

For a challenge build, please make a house in the style of /warp fairmarket. Keep in mind the style here is a bit trickier, but I'm sure you'll do well with it. Good luck!



Sorry for the time it is taking, I am having troubles with Westeroscraft on my new computer, but I'm trying to fix it.
Yeah now I fixed the launcher so will be able to work on it.
- Konrad
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