Introducing: The "Kachelofen"


Royal Messenger
The "Kachelofen" is a type of masonry stove, development starting around the 9th century. First examples of the typical "Hinterladerofen" (backloading stoves) appear in the 11th century and around the 12th century they are considered standard inventory in castles and high class houses. Although the "Kachelofen" is distinctly central European, the concept appears all over the world, especially in colder regions.
Principal idea is to preserve the intense, but short lived heat of burning wood for a longer time. The thick masonry stores the heat and slowly gives it off over a longer period of time. The bulk of the stove is located in the "Stube" (living room), while the door is in another room adjacent to it (usually the kitchen), thus avoiding smoke in the primary living room. The word "Stube" comes form the old german word for stove: "Stuba". The "Stube" often was the only room that could be heated all day and was thus where most of the daily life indoors took place.

Benches alongside the stove are often seen and a very practical thing. Sick people would sleep on these benches.
Higher class houses could have two "Stuben", one for everyday activities and one for guests, more lavishly decorated (called the "Gute Stube"). There are examples of stoves in between those two "Stuben" with only one side featuring decorated tiles.


Modern "Kachelöfen" are associated with tiles, but historically they usually weren't, only richer households could afford tiled stoves.
This is an awesome invention still widely used today, I would love to see it ingame. It would probably best suited for the vale, the savage Northmen may be to brutish for such an intricate idea.
There are also interesting variations, like the kitchen stove having an iron backplate radiating heat into the living room (seen mostly in Italy if I remember correctly)


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Yup, I tried to recreate the one in this image:



Though it doesn't look fantastic without visible tiles.


Royal Messenger
Three Stoves from the 18th century.
various tiles ranging from the 14th to the 16th century, notably. most were dark green, as were the ones in the Churburg from that period (which I sadly was not allowed to make photos of), I apologise for the terrible image quality. photographing through glass is not ideal.
Kachelofen from my local castle, 15th or 16th century I think, located in the old "Rittersaal", also Green.


Royal Messenger
Addendum: after some superficial research, the green colour of the tiles seen so often seems to come mainly (like in forest glass) from copper and iron ions, both abundant in central Europe. It may also be just fashion, most surviving examples are from higher nobility.


We originally were going to have these in Highgarden, but changed them to hearths instead. There was also one in the maesters of Bandallon but I think it’s a mini hearth now I don’t remember. Of course that’s not counting if you want to include a 2x2 corner fireplace of walls as a furnace
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