Under Review House Wayn


Lovely test and succinct application love!
Would be nice to see a couple of house tests and at least one industry build test if you'd be so kind. Would love to see your Irish mill test.

Will you be sticking to the map in the server build application?

Got some house tests on my new plot now with a mill - it's only a smaller one though but if you would really like to see the main mill I can have a go later this week.
I only intend to stick to the application map as it's already perfect so why derail from it ;)


Staff member
I approve it too! App is short but tests are nice and Ark's completes a lot of the empty spaces. I trust Ark's confidence on you being part of his mega.

You might have forgotten you were still missing one approval given that you already started work lmao, its okay tho, love to see the motivation even after how long it took approving this!