Hello Everyone!


Hello everybody! I am brand new to WesterosCraft, and am already in deep love... I live, breathe, eat, sleep GoT. You can catch me exploring every nook and cranny of the current map when I'm online. I hope to eventually help run this terrific server and achieve its goals of becoming a RP server for the world to enjoy! But enough of that, more about me.

I am a Sophomore in college studying Criminal Justice and Psychology. I have 3 jobs, all of which are through my college. I am the head of our admissions department, overseeing all our student workers and managing them. I am a team leader for our new intro to college life program as well. I am also a future U.S. Army soldier and police officer.

I am a people person, and absolutely love helping people in need. I am hard working, determined, passionate, innovative, inspirational, and motivated. I am very goal-oriented and will bend over backwards and through a flaming hoop to achieve them. I think I will make a great edition to this community, and cannot wait to see it grow!

Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you on the server!