Well, we’ve learned that A isn’t really as much of an issue as we thought it was - I still have no idea what was causing inventory block IDs to roll over into the 4xxx range, but according to Mike we’re not even close to the upper limit.
In any case, I wouldn’t want to touch the concretes because I like having dedicated colored blocks to use for WE placeholders, pixel art in Test, etc. The flowers are also used to provide “pottable” equivalents for a handful of our custom flowers (I had to use kinda hacky CTM to accomplish this while also making them DO-NOT-USE when placed normally). The woods are game, however I wouldn’t want to stray far from a wood-related texture for those, and I don’t think adding new generic wood variants is feasible for us now.
In any case, I wouldn’t want to touch the concretes because I like having dedicated colored blocks to use for WE placeholders, pixel art in Test, etc. The flowers are also used to provide “pottable” equivalents for a handful of our custom flowers (I had to use kinda hacky CTM to accomplish this while also making them DO-NOT-USE when placed normally). The woods are game, however I wouldn’t want to stray far from a wood-related texture for those, and I don’t think adding new generic wood variants is feasible for us now.