Game doesn't start with liteloader installed.


Installed liteloader and put it into the mods folder, but then the game doesn't start anymore. Only when I disable it in the launcher again it works.
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Which launcher, what version of liteloader? Any crash reports. Will gladly help you but need more information than that it isn't working.


It's the normal old Westeroscraft Launcher since I had massive performance issues with the new one.

The liteloader is the newest version from the website for 1.12.2

There are no crash reports since the game doesn't even start (maybe in some folder somewhere?)

Also, there is no sign in the task manager for the game maybe starting in the background or something.


Street Preacher


The old launcher is deprecated and we're not supporting it any longer. Use one of the new options.
There is little difference between the Minecraft instance the old launcher set up compared to the one the new ones sets up if you follow all steps correctly, so if you experience performance issues, I'd kindly ask you to review your installation.
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