Camel Builder Application


16 and 3-months My birth date is no the 16th of august 2002


Youtube. I found this server when I was watching game of thrones; I had just finished ep 3 season 5 when I was wondering if their was a game of thrones Minecraft server. I looked it up and I saw a video on Youtube "all of Westeros recreated in Minecraft's game of thrones server"
uploaded by 'ibxtoycat'.

fairy-tail, harry potter and Gregor

Dance of Dragons
Winds of Winter

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5

Tyrion Lannister. This is because he is a very interesting character because his family treats him awfully yet he still persists with being the better person, he is a funny character and acts like the runt of the pack but he is also badass with some of the best lines and scenes from all of 'A Song Of Ice And Fire' and 'Game Of Thrones'

I have been playing Minecraft for many years now and I have found lots of techniques and unique ways of building things on Minecraft. I can make realistic builds from what My family and friends say.

I love building in creative mode I think it would boost my confidence and my creativity if I could build on a Global Server for everyone to see, I also think I could improve the realistic side of your builds.

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The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Hey Camel,

Thanks for the application, I'm glad to see your interest in our server!

We do, however, ask for a submission build that is specifically based off of one of the locations/styles on our server, which your house doesn't appear to be. I would recommend spending some time around some of our newer builds (for example: King's Landing (esp. /warp klsprawl), White Harbor, Highgarden, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, Uffering, Bandallon, Westbrook etc) and studying how we build. Specifically, things like interior layouts, furnishings, roof angles, palettes, etc. Try to have an eye for detail. One thing that helps is finding some specific houses that you particularly like, taking screenshots of them, and combining elements from those houses into your own original house (and then, as you get more confident, you can experiment more). Lastly, a couple helpful warps for learning more are /warp gradients and /warp furnish.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about anything I said above! I'm happy to help. When you've experimented with some of the styles above and feel ready to continue this app, post some images of the house which you feel most confident in (make sure to include enough screenshots of the interior so I can get a good sense of it). Good luck!


Hey Camel,

Thanks for the application, I'm glad to see your interest in our server!

We do, however, ask for a submission build that is specifically based off of one of the locations/styles on our server, which your house doesn't appear to be. I would recommend spending some time around some of our newer builds (for example: King's Landing (esp. /warp klsprawl), White Harbor, Highgarden, Fairmarket, Stoney Sept, Uffering, Bandallon, Westbrook etc) and studying how we build. Specifically, things like interior layouts, furnishings, roof angles, palettes, etc. Try to have an eye for detail. One thing that helps is finding some specific houses that you particularly like, taking screenshots of them, and combining elements from those houses into your own original house (and then, as you get more confident, you can experiment more). Lastly, a couple helpful warps for learning more are /warp gradients and /warp furnish.

Please feel free to ask if you have any questions about anything I said above! I'm happy to help. When you've experimented with some of the styles above and feel ready to continue this app, post some images of the house which you feel most confident in (make sure to include enough screenshots of the interior so I can get a good sense of it). Good luck!
I will start my new build and finish as soon as possible. I haven't been on in a while because I was on holiday. Sorry for the delayed reply.
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