Block Change Request: Sedge, Horseweed Plant Additions


Request: Sedge, Horseweed Plant Additions

Request Type: General Addition

Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
The addition of these blocks would aid the transition of forests into open land, while also giving builders more options for ground cover mixes in certain areas. The addition of sedge and horseweed would allow us to distinguish forests that have been left to grown, versus forests that have had shrubs cleared for silvopastures or for forests that are younger in the timeline of a forest.
Currently we have no plants that can accurately represent sedge or horseweed. For sedge i’m thinking a cross between meadow fescue and savannah grass, texture-wise. Then for Horseweed I’m thinking go for green scrub grass in terms of colouration and make it a CTM of 1-3 tall.

Types of evidence to support your request: Historical

Historical Evidence
Historical evidence doesn’t really fit as a descriptor, but basically, forests have stages of growth, with a variety of plants being present in different stages of a forest. To accurately represent forest growth, it would be cool to have these plants :)

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