Block Change Request: Muddy Grass


Request: Muddy Grass

Request Type:
General Addition

Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
With the recent introduction of the grassy sand layer block we are now able to seamlessly blend sand and grass blocks to create great beaches or river banks. However, despite the availability of mud and mud layers, we lack a smooth method to integrate them with grass akin to the sand-blending process. For this reason, I would like to propose the addition of a muddy grass block to address this gap.



Thank you for your consideration :)


Request: Muddy Grass

Request Type:
General Addition

Try to describe all workarounds and associated issues that make it necessary to add this block in your eyes.
With the recent introduction of the grassy sand layer block we are now able to seamlessly blend sand and grass blocks to create great beaches or river banks. However, despite the availability of mud and mud layers, we lack a smooth method to integrate them with grass akin to the sand-blending process. For this reason, I would like to propose the addition of a muddy grass block to address this gap.



Thank you for your consideration :)
Don't we have the bog blocks which can be used as a transition between grass/mud blocks?


Was about to ask that question: do you think it would be okay to retexture the “bog” texture (which I guess is supposed to be spaghnum moss, but doesn’t look much like it ATM) as grassy mud with CTM? Or would this break some things the bog texture is currently used for?
A retexturing of the bog block would also be great, the problem with it is that the grass colour is a bit too dark so it contrasts too much with normal grass imo


The Dark Lord Sauron
Was about to ask that question: do you think it would be okay to retexture the “bog” texture (which I guess is supposed to be spaghnum moss, but doesn’t look much like it ATM) as grassy mud with CTM? Or would this break some things the bog texture is currently used for?
Its supposed to mesh with mud blocks since it uses the same base mesh but I dont see many contexts where changing the green bits breaks anything