Low Block Change Request: Make cobble keystone biome dependent too

Request: Make cobble keystone biome dependent too

Request Type: Change

Try to describe all current uses of the block you request to be changed. Do you foresee any issues/ problems that could result from changing the block?
Imo this is a pretty minor change and useful change, it's just to make the cobble keystone act the same as it's counterparts (stone bricks, mossy stone bricks, cracked stone bricks, cobblestone etc)


Didn't put any historical or canon evidence cuz I don't feel it's needed.

File(s) attached


The Dark Lord Sauron
Staff member
Just a note on this - it's not actually a trivial change due to the fact that the keystone block is a composite of two separate textures (stone brick and cobblestone), which both have separate colormap tints. If I have the block shaded using the stone brick colormap, the cobblestone won't match correctly, and vice-versa.

Now, I could use biome-specific CTM to assign a different composite texture in each biome. This would be a "hard" transition though, rather than the "soft" transitions that are achieved with biome colormaps - so if you're using a blend of biomes to achieve an in-between color, this won't be a fully adequate solution.